Chapter 1~ Pancakes

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Phil yawned.

It was Saturday morning and he'd just woken up.

As he felt for his glasses, he heard a faint rustling coming from the living room.

Dan's awake before me!? He thought.

That didn't happen often.

Phil stretched and wandered into the living room where, sure enough, his flatmate was.

He put his head round the door and caught a glimpse of his best friend's curly brown hair bobbing about a little as he played an ~intense~ game of crash bandicoot.

"Have you been playing this all morning?" Phil asked, going over to Dan.

"Maybe," he answered, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Phil chuckled and made his way to the kitchen to make brunch, as it was nearing half past eleven.

A few minutes later, he returned with a plate of pancakes.

Jealous, Dan stuck his bottom lip out like a five year old.

He looked up at Phil, deep brown eyes wide.

Phil rolled his eyes, feeding him some.

"Moreeeeee," he whined.

Phil gave in. It was impossible to deny anything to those eyes.

Sighing dramatically, he scooped more for into his best friend's mouth.

Of course, that's all they would ever be: best friends.

Phil wanted them to be more than that, but he was pretty sure Dan was straight.

Even if he wasn't, Phil was certain there was no way Dan would date a guy such as himself.

Nope, Phil was destined to live his life in silence of his crush - which, admittedly, was a bit hard, considering they shared a flat.

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Dan's heart always began to flutter when Phil looked into his eyes like that.

There was something about him, his goofy grin, his dorky laugh, that always made it feel like everything was ok.

No one else made Dan feel that way.

He'd considered asking Phil out on several occasions, but had always been too scared.

He wasn't sure why.

He was pretty sure Phil was gay.

He supposed it was just the concept of the big leap between friendship and love.

If he fell, he would drop right back into the awkward friendzone and make everything awkward, and he didn't want that at all.

Plus, as he was only just getting used to the fact that he was bi, and hadn't told anyone yet, the whole thing seemed rather daunting.

It seemed right ,though, to tell Phil, his best friend, before anyone else.

A/n: Chapter 2 on it's way tonight! (Wattpad is my procrastination station- who cares about tidying and reading, amirite? Yeah, I should probably do that... See you soon! Hope you're enjoying it so far xx

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