Chapter 14~ Oops I Did It Again

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A/n: Yes, I made a Britney reference. And yes, I am reassessing my life decisions. There's gotta be some Britney fans out there somewhere, right? I have so many things I should be doing right now but like procrastination station o'clock so who cares about memorising a script I have to perform a large percentage of in front of loads of people in a month's time... Yeah, let's get on with this before I end up actually doing something productive instead.

Dan reopened his dark brown eyes and pressed his lips against hers,

A/n: OK HOLD UP, HOLD UP! WARNING, YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER A VERY SMUTTY TERRITORY. YOU WANT THE SMUT? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE SMUT! Srsly tho, if you can't handle it, see you at the next author's note :) and yeah, I stopped typing in caps because I've done enough angsty shouting for one day already, thanks.

Now, let's try this again. ( shoutout to StxrAlex for helping again, go check her story out  :) , don't judge)

Dan reopened his dark brown eyes and pressed his lips against hers, pulling them closer together.

Emma put a hand to his collar, pulling him down.

He slightly licked his lips and forced his tongue into her mouth.

She smirked through the kiss and it his lip.

Dan pulled away and stared down at her, a smile planted on his face.

Still smirking, Emma looked up at him through her eyelashes.

He caressed the girl's cheek and it strangely felt like another's. He brushed it off, kissing the girl again.

She slipped her arms around his neck, their foreheads touching.

Their lips moved in and before Dan traied kisses down her neck.

She whimpered slightly at the sensation it caused.

He nibbled on her neck, leaving multiple love bites.

She bit her lip slightly.

As he snaked a hand up her shirt, Emma grinned, feeling Dan's hand against her skin.

Dan smirked and took her shirt off, making her blush.

He stared up at her cheeks, chuckled and began to kiss down her chest.

She ran her hand through Dan's hair, knowing by now where this was going.

He licked down her stomach and struggled to take her bra off.

She giggled, unhooking it for him.

Dan playfully shushed her by placing a finger on her lips as he stared down at her chest.

Strangely, he didn't feel right: he wasn't blushing, and he didn't feel as many butterflies in his stomach as he did with Phil.

"Is something wrong, honey?"

He looked up at her and raised his eyebrows.

"No- nothing's wrong at all.."

"If you say so.." she replied, kissing his head.

"He nodded and went back to kissing her chest. He didn't really want to go further than this this time.

A/n: You're safe, my innocent children.

Suddenly, the sound of keys in the door could be heard.

"Who's that?" She whispered, as he threw her shirt at her and she frantically put it back on.

"Probably my... Friend..."

"What do I do??"

"Go somewhere."

"Don't be too detailed, will you?"

"Shhhh," he replied, pushing her down.

"Dan?" Phil called from the kitchen.

"Phil..." Dan muttered quietly.

Phil began to walk in the direction of Dan's room.

Dan panicked, directing Emma to his wardrobe, in which she hid.

"Stay quiet."

Phil knocked on Dan's door.


A/n: Hopefully a slightly longer chapter tomorrow and *SPOILER ALERT* let me know in the comments what item of Emma's will be in the room somewhere? It could be irrelevant but it's after midnight (or before, if that's the way you see it), so I really couldn't care less. Shoutout time!

My nerdies





Luv you all xx


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