Chapter 6~ Boyfriends

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A/n: Sorry for publishing this so late, I've been out all day and now I feel like crap, physically and mentally. I'm probably going to throw up, so yeah. I'll attempt to make this decent, but no promises :( ~ edit, I did throw up, which didn't really improve the quality of this chapter, but oh well.

Dan stood outside the bathroom door, debating whether or not he should go in.

He decided against it; he didn't want to seem desperate.

A/n: I don't feel alive enough to write smut today :(

Instead, he got dressed, sat on his bed, assumed his browsing position and began to scroll through the endless abyss that is Tumblr.

A little while later

Phil wandered into his room, wrapped in a towel.

He got dressed and shouted for Dan.

"You ready?"
They came out of their rooms, put on their coats and shoes, and left the house.

As they sat outside waiting for the taxi, Phil studied Dan.

"Mhm?" He replied, not looking up from his phone.
"Are we.. like.. boyfriends now?" Phil asked, blushing slightly.
Dan looked up.
"Uh, I guess we are, aren't we?"

A/n: Sorry, I know it was crap.

I'll attempt to publish the next chapter tonight or in the early hours of tomorrow morning, depending on how much I write.


You know the drill.

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