Chapter 17~ Just My Flatmate

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A/n: Hey awesome nerds! Is that getting old? Idk.


How're you guys feeling about Mil and Dema?

Dya want some smut, and if so, starring who?

Sorry I took forever to update. I've been doing stuff, because, believe it or not, I do have a life.

Let's get on with it!

Phil and Matt sat in the coffee shop for a while, finding out their similarities and differences.

They were both the same age, and had an alarming abundance of unnecessary (dying) decorative vegetation in their homes.

Before long, Phil received a text from Dan -

Dan: how long does it take to get some bloody teabags, Phil?

"Thought you said you were single?"

Phil laughed slightly awkwardly. "Yeah, that's... Just my flatmate. I was meant to be buying teabags."

"I won't keep you then. Sounds very exciting," Matt laughed.

Phil laughed too, finishing his drink and standing up.

They stood awkwardly for a second, making a lot of eye contact.

Phil actually considered kissing him, but decided against it.

They'd only known each other a day.

Instead, he wrote down his phone number on a coffee stirrer and handed it to Matt.

"Call me," he said, turning on his heel and exiting the building.

Oh, what a cliché I am. Phil thought, shaking his head at what he'd just done.

Now. Teabags.

Dan lay on his bed, phone in his hands, smirking.

He was texting Emma, and you can guess what was going on.

He bit his lip at the texts he had been sent, and began to type.

A/n: I can't be bothered to write the texts out, so please do feel free to write them out for me in the comments if you feel so inclined.

Emma: wanna Skype? Xx ;P

Dan chuckled.

Dan: ofc, baby xx ;P

They logged into Skype and began their ahem "conversation".

A while later

Phil returned to the abode with teabags and a happy heart.

He was going to shout for Dan, to tell him he was home, but when he heard suggestive moaning noises coming from his room, he gathered that Dan was fine.

As the noises got louder, Phil put in his earphones and listened to some music.

Another while later

Dan emerged from his room, sweaty and wearing a stupid grin on his face.

He didn't stop to say hi to Phil.

Instead he jumped straight into the shower.

Phil sighed as he remembered those days when he would be the reason Dan would need to shower.

He rolled his eyes at himself.

Get it together, Phil. It's over now. There's nothing you can do. Get over it.

Oh, he'd get over it, alright.

A/n: wink wink nudge nudge XD

He glanced at his phone, acknowledging the text notification from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, Phil! I really enjoyed talking to you today, maybe we could do it again sometime? Matt x

Phil smiled.

A/n: Again, massive apology for not updating, was v v busy.

As always, I'm open to suggestions from either comments or messages, private or otherwise :)

Let me know, who is your favorite, Dema or Mil?

Awesome nerds:


Follow me for a follow back and a shoutout at the end of each chapter :)

As always, luv you all, ghosties included 👻 xx


P.s: Livi, my songs know what you do in the dark if ya catch my drift...

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