Chapter 12~ Taxi

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A/n: Just got back from the terrible place that is the outside world. It rained. Unsurprising, really. I mean, it is Britain, after all. I Qd (queued but like that ueue is unnecessary and irrelevant in this universe - much like ourselves as humans, dwell on that at 3am when you're trying to sleep, why don't you - so why the hell would I type out another four completely unneeded letters? Yes, I know I'm lazy) for around four hours in total, so that was fun. Imma stop ranting now and get on with the story.

Dan lay on his bed, sobbing uncontrollably.

How could he be so stupid?

How could he do this to the man he loved?

He was so angry at himself.

He grabbed his pillow and threw it across the room in frustration.


Phil sat in the back of a taxi, red eyed and pink cheeked.

How could Dan do this to him?

He thought they were good together - what happened?

His best friend, his boyfriend, his everything.

And now that was gone.

What had he done to make Dan want to cheat on him?


He wasn't angry.

He didn't know why, but he just wasn't.

Instead, he felt...




And, he supposed, a little bit scared.

Without Dan, it was as if nothing really mattered anymore.

Without Dan, he felt as if his world was falling apart.

Without Dan, his world would fall apart.

But Phil wasn't ready to forgive him just yet.

He figured they both needed some time to cool off.

That's why he was in the taxi.

He was going home.

Picking up his phone, he dialled his mum's number.

She picked up almost immediately.


"Hi, Mum."

"How're you and Dan doing?"

His eyes clouded up and his voice faltered as he replied, "Not great, actually. That's kind of why I called."


"Would it be ok if I came home for a while?"

"Of course, you are always welcome! Your father and I are going away tomorrow, so you'll be on your own."

"Ok, that's fine, Mum, thanks."

"What time will you be getting here?"

He checked the time. "A few hours."

"Alright, see you then! Love you!"

"Love you, too."

Phil sighed.

A/n: vote in the comments who should come running back, Dan or Phil, and why, and I'll check them tomorrow when I come to writing it.

There's some drama going on in my life right now and there's other stuff I have to 'deal with' too, as some of you know (which I thought was getting better but turns out it's getting worse and I'm just getting better at pretending it's not) , so I apologise in advance if I update late again.

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