Chapter 15~ Seeing Red

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A/n: Sorry I took like forever to update, there's been some stuff happening in my life recently and it made me feel really unmotivated and unfocused which is not a good mindset for writing. FYI, I began writing this on Saturday. Yeah. Hopefully this is worth the wait? I don't know, let me know in the comments? Now, let's get on with it.


"Can I come in?"

"Umm... One second."

Dan glanced across the room.
"Emma?" He whispered.


"This is gonna sound like some low budget, crappy teen romance movie but um... Can you climb out of the window?"

"Are you actually kidding me right now?"

Dan bit his lip.

"Ugh, fine."

She reluctantly padded over to the window and edged herself out carefully.

"You owe me. Big time," She said, as she began to climb

Dan shut the window and went to the door.

He took a deep breath.

Edging the door open slightly, Dan caught a glimpse of the beautiful man standing outside it.


Phil casually sat down on Dan's bed and felt something below him. He felt below the cover and pulled out a red bra.


Dan could hear the pain and anger rising in Phil's voice and hated himself for doing this to him again.

"What's this?"

Dan took a deep breath. Phil probably wouldn't care. He was pretty sure they'd broken up, and he was allowed a life. It wasn't as if Phil would want him back.

"Looks like a bra to me."

"Ok, smart guy, let me rephrase that. What the hell is a bra doing in this flat?"

"Being waved about by you at the moment."

Phil rolled his eyes and stood back up.

"So you're with someone, huh," Phil conjectured (a/n: vv proud of that posh word.)


Phil blushed. He knew it was stupid, but he'd thought, hoped even, that Dan may still have a place in his heart for him.

He guessed not.

"Yep, well, um, me too," Phil lied, instantly regretting it.

Dan raised his eyebrows ever so slightly in surprise.

"You're not the only one who can pull, y'know."

Phil said this with quite a matter - of - factly tone, yet there was something about his eyes that suggested that the statement was more of a question.

"That's cool."


They sat in awkward silence for a while, before Dan got up to make a beverage.

A/n: I'm working on a new chapter like right now, but, after this, you know what I'm like, so don't hold your breath. I'll probably sleep in a bit but I have some free time tomorrow, so maybe an update tomorrow?

SNEKKY BEKKY ALERT: somewhere in the next few chapters, I will write another Livestream part, so based on the storyline so far, please do comment your live chat question ideas or message me and I'll try my best to include them :)

As always, my awesome nerds:


Luv you all xx

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