Chapter like 16 or something~ Coffee

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A/n: Hey!
So here's today's chapter, hope you enjoy it! Alsoooo lil hint: the italics are thoughts, just in case you weren't sure. Between Wednesday 13th and Friday 15th, I'll be unavailable, so I'll try to publish more on the Tuesday to make up for it. Now, let's get on with it.

Phil sat on his bed, thinking hard.

How could he be so stupid that he could pretend to be in a relationship for the sake of an argument with his best friend, and, admittedly, the man he still loved?

Best friends.


If they were even that.


Why was life so complicated?

He threw himself down onto his bed.

There was only one thing for it.

I need a boyfriend.

In an attempt to do something productive, he opened Google and began to search: top three best places to meet a new love interest

1. A gym
Phil laughed. As if.

2. Starbucks
Who just randomly has a conversation with a stranger at Starbucks? Apart from the cashier that is...

3. Work
Out of the question. Last time he dated someone from "work"- well, look what happened.

He sighed and shut his laptop.

It was hopeless.

He would never find anyone.

Even if he did, no one could ever compare to Dan.

But Phil was determined.

Looks like I'm going outside.

Gym, Starbucks, work.

These words kept repeating in his head.

Gym, Starbucks, work.

Only one appealed.

"Dan, I'm gonna go get... Some air," he yelled.

"We have air already; I'd much rather you got some teabags."

Phil laughed. "I guess I'll do that too."

Opening the door, he felt the warm Autumn sun creep onto his pale complexion.

Starbucks time

Feeling the crunch of fallen leaves beneath his feet, he walked on to the coffee shop.

In Starbucks, 'Phil with one 'l'' became 'fil'.


He was about to take a sip of his coffee when a man bumped into him, spilling it down him.

"Oh my goodness, I am literally so sorry!" Apologised the man.

"It's fine, really," Phil replied, looking at the male in front of him. "Oh, and I'm Phil, by the way."

"Matt. Or 'mat with two teas', as they seem to call me in here," he laughed, holding up his coffee.

Phil laughed too.

"So, what do you do?" He asked Matt.

"I'm an artist and a photographer, you?"

"Wow! I'm a YouTuber. I have my own channel, and I also share a gaming channel with my best friend/ flatmate."

"Wow, that's really cool!"

"It has it's moments."

"My niece is always watching YouTube. You'd think she lived in her phone, but that's teens for you."

Phil laughed. "No kids of your own to rip your hair out because of?"

"Nope. I mean for a start, I'm gay and painfully single."

"Same here."

"You're single? Jesus, people round here must be both blind and deaf."

Phil blushed slightly and smiled.

"I could say the same thing about you."

A/n: First things first, (totally not a reference) sorry for crushing all of your hopes and dreams and ruining your lives. Ok, that might be a slight exaggeration. But anyways, Phan will probably return one day, but not for a few chapters yet. You're just going to have to survive with Mil and Dema for now. Second things second, I apologise in advance if I don't update tomorrow. I have quite a lot on, and it takes a while to write these up. Third things third, (yes, still making references) you may have noticed the chapter length increasing. I'm aiming for around 500+ words a chapter now, so yay. I think.

Amazing nerds:

And special shoutout to all my ghosties out there! Hey!

Luv you all, yes, even you, GARY.

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