Chapter 13~ Unlucky For Some

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A/n: So, I had some suggestions for who should come running back and it's kind of obvious who. I'll probably write another chapter today so watch out for that :)
Let's get on with the story.

Phil sat opposite his mum, cup of tea in his hand, thinking hard.

"I think you should go back, forgive and forget."

"Mum, you don't understand. He really hurt me."

"And in hurting you, he's hurt himself. I've seen the love between you two. It's strong."

"Yeah, I thought that too. I don't know, mum."

"Well, just think about it, yeah?"


The next day-

Phil lay on his bed, thinking.

Maybe his mum was right. He should talk to Dan. Running away was not the answer.

He sat up and checked the time.

He could be back in London by tonight.

"Mum?" He shouted.


"I'm going to go."

"Ok, then."

He shoved his stuff into his bag and called a taxi.


Back at the flat, Dan was laying on the sofa.

Self-loathing had shrouded his mind.

What had he done?

Phil would never forgive him.

He may as well just date Emma.

His phone rang.

"Speak of the devil," He muttered. "Hey, Emma."

"Hey, baby! I miss you," came the reply.

"I miss you too. Want to come over?" Dan asked, assuming Phil wouldn't be back for a few days yet.


Emma arrived at the flat a few minutes later.

They sat on the sofa, snuggling.

She placed a kiss on his lips, looking up at him.

"Hey." He chuckled, returning the kiss.
"What you want to do?" He asked.
"Flix and chill?"
He smirked.

A/n: Thanks to user77439583 for 'fixing' my phanfic here...
IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT. Yeah. Ok. Let's get on with this.

"You sure you only want 'flix and chill'?" Dan said, huskily.

She casually ran her finger down his lips. "We'll have to see, won't we..." She smirked.

Dan looked into her deep blue eyes. They reminded him of Phil. He tried to play it off, though, even though he was guilty. He couldn't stop her.

Emma placed her lips on his.

Dan kissed her, pretending to enjoy it, but every moment was a memory of him and Phil in the exact same position, in the exact same seat, in that exact same way he used to kiss him.

He tried to put him out of his mind.

There was no point in thinking about the life he had with Phil.

It wasn't as if Phil would ever want him back.

He closed his eyes and cleared his mind.

A/n: Was it worth the wait? Idk. I'll try and write another chapter today but I have drama tomorrow so it's not gonna be at like 3am or anything. I'm starving so I'm gonna go.

Shoutouts to my nerd fam@

Also, I found this really cool person who knows Panic!At The Disco and Dan and Phil so yeah, go follow them :)

Luv you all xx

See ya!

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