Chapter 20~ Wine

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A/n: Hey, awesome nerds! I'm not sure why I'm writing this, but I'm not sure about a lot of things. I guess I have nothing else to do with my futile and tedious existence.

Do you actually appreciate the little author's notes, or do you want me to just get on with it?

Does anyone actually read them?


Hey, ghosties! Yeah, I'm talking to you, Patricia!

Drop a comment or something every so often, maybe?

I like to be aware of other people's existences.

That sounded creepy.

Before this gets weird (if it hasn't already)

Dan sat, drinking his wine.

Fuck Emma.

By the time Phil entered the room, he was already tipsy.

"Hello," a slightly intoxicated Dan greeted.

Phil picked up the bottle.

"How much have you had?"

"A bit."

Phil raised his eyebrows as he spotted an additional empty bottle of wine behind him.

"Oh shush. I needed it."


"Wanna know a fact?"

"Uh.. sure..."

"Most people," he began, taking another sip of wine. "are twats."

Phil laughed.

He poured himself a glass and took a sip.

"That." He replied,"is very true. So, how's your day been?"

Dan didn't respond, but instead took another sip of his wine.

"That bad?"

"I broke up with Emma because she got jealous and told me to choose between you and her."

"Oh... I'm guessing you didn't choose her..."

"If I had, would I be sitting here on my second bottle of wine?"

"Well... there's plenty of fish in the sea, mate."

"Yeah, and only one that I want. And it's not bloody Emma."

A puzzled expression grew on Phil's face.

Dan took another sip of wine.

"Bitch, I still love you with all my heart, and that will never change. I understand that you've moved on, but I don't think I ever will."

And, with that, he left the room and went to sleep.

Phil couldn't bring himself to return the comment.

He had Matt.

He really liked Matt.

Didn't he?

He sighed.

He couldn't do it.

He couldn't admit it to himself.


he was still in love with Dan Howell.


He couldn't - no, he wouldn't - confess it, but not being Dan's boyfriend was pulling on his heart, making it weaker and weaker, and closer to breaking point.

No time for gloomy deep thoughts, Phil.

A little while later, he decided that being so down in the dumps wasn't helping anyone, and, consequently, went to bed.

The next morning

Phil sat with his laptop, eating cereal that totally was not Dan's.

Dan hadn't gotten out of bed yet.

Hangover, probably.

He wasn't surprised. Dan drunk a lot last night.

After a while of scrolling through Twitter and Tumblr and watching anime, he decided to text Matt.

Phil: Hey xx

It wasn't long before he received a text back from Matt.

Matt: Hey wuu2 xx

Phil: Nothing much, mostly being bored out of my mind xx

Matt: lol, wanna come round today xx

Phil: when xx

Matt: whenever, not like I do anything with my life XD xx

Phil: relatable. See you in an hour and a half? Xx

Matt: ok, see u then xx

Phil stretched his legs and stood up.

Time to actually get ready.

A/n: Was that ok? I spent like at least half an hour just staring at the white space and wondering wtf to write. I also currently feel like I am being repeatedly whacked over the head with something out of a bloody Ikea flatpack, which is why there isn't as much as I hoped. Also, I need sleep m8. Speaking of sleep, that's exactly what I'm gonna go do now. See ya!

Awesome nerds:

Luv you all xx


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