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Day of the conference-


That morning Jimin had called him, stating how he missed him, and how he wished him luck to win this war.

He walked in the top connected building in the world..ready to state the facts about how their company would be fucked without Yoongi's knowledge on compromising..but obviously stated in a more politically, well educated manner.

"So Ladies and Gentlemen, these are the reasons, if your company would turn down our contract years in our alignment, you guys would be economically unstable, and unable to reach the top charts in this political affair..nor will your clients and shareholders accompany you in this brutal war that you're CEO will not be successful in. (You'll be fucked basically)


As everyone in the meeting was truly shocked and whispering to each other the best decision for their company to stay the second best after mine. My watched buzzed and I saw Jimin had called me about 10 times, my heart skipped but I couldn't call back until this meeting ended.


New contract was signed stating the fact, that they were nothing without us.

As I left the conference room, proud of my accomplishment, I grabbed my phone to call Jimin, but I received a phone call from Jin first.

"Yoongi!! You're house was broken into..!!!" Jin shouted panicking through the call.

"Wait what?" I responded not really analyzing what he just said.

"Yoongi they took Jimin!! Jimin's gone, his gone and his phone is here..it's so bad here Yoongi, there's blood on the floor.. YOONGI come home now." Jin shouted ending the call.

I stood there for a second, maybe in shock..but my heart shattered from it's protected cage..he's gone?


I called my private jet staff, telling them to get ready we're heading back to Korea right now.

I sent messages to my company sending police officers, assigning a missing person order, even tho Jimin hadn't been gone for more than 24hrs but blood involved meant find him immediately.


I arrived at my house, after multiple calls, and texts from people being concerned for me...people looking for Jimin, people who thought they saw Jimin..but nothing.

My house was trashed, windows broken, chairs on the floor, broken vases, broken mirrors, doors kicked down, blood..blood..blood..blood!

Jin gave me the note the police had found, that they thought might be from Jimin, but only I would know.

" Yoongi *tear stains* people are here, I'm scared Yoongi, Yoongi I'm so scared *tear stains* Yoongi please hold me Yoon-"

It was his hand writing, it was him, it was all him.

He had always been the center of my universe, but I lost him in a blink of an eye.

I lost you.

*a week later of looking for Jimin, police involved..statistic on the fact that the blood found was Jimin's. Search parties everywhere in the city.*

"The body of a young man was found near the sea shore, the young man found earlier today was identified as Park Jimin."

There it was, the final straw. The pulled trigger to the gone pointed at my head, that day I lost my life. I lost my reason of smile.

I lost you Jimin.

Dear Yoongi, if I was given the time to write you a goodbye letter. I'd have written these exact words.

Dear love of my soul,

I apologize, I truly and sincerely apologize for leaving you! If you've found this, it means I'm long gone! You might be questioning "what had I done wrong?" Honestly speaking, you were truly the only one that really made my heart skip it's whole generation! I hope I had done the same for you. You are way more than amazing...you're more like the sun..and without you I would have been left in the dark! You've made me realized there are still people who care..and you'll find one to care for you. You're my first and my last...and I swear by it...! I've left this timeline whispering your name, remembering the way you held me, the way you held me close until my tears dried and I fell asleep, you held me until I learned to hold you back..until I realized you were there to stay! I can't promise the same, I couldn't promise forever..because if this is read by you..then that forever was broken by the day of my death. I knew I couldn't last forever..and I couldn't keep running away from life. Don't mourn too long! Smile Yoongi. Breath and always remember you took my heart and showed it love..so do the same for another broken heart.

Keep living not for me, but for yourself!

.Hold Me.


Thank you for reading!! For always being there..for each and every one of you guys that stuck through it all. I knew this book would be ending soon, but I wanted it to be unexpected. I had the pleasure to write this book for you guys to read, and I hope you guys enjoyed this journey.

If you guys have any questions..go ahead here—

I love you guys so much!

May 25,2018

Peace and love

Hold Me | yoonmin |Where stories live. Discover now