I miss them

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Natsu's POV

It has been a week that Krystal had gotten shot. I am glad that she didn't die. The gunshot was on her waist. It will take 3 weeks until it heals. But the past week I only get to see Luce sad.

Krystal was always there for me. She took care of me and our parents. But they were really sick so Krystal didnt went to middle school instead she took jobs to buy medication for our parents.

But one day we were 13 years old when this happen. I came back from school but i see police cars and ambulances. I was scared of whats happening then i see Krystal crying on the porch.

Then she told me mom and dad died. I was really sad that day. But Krystal cheer me up. Today me and Luce are going to visit Krystal. Which i am glad and I really hope that Luce will smile for me and Krystal. Mostly me.

Time skip to hospital.

Krystal's POV

The gun shot did hurt alot but it was worth it because I saved my best friend's life. I can tell that they will ask questions alot and I mean alot.

Then the door open. It was Gray. I can tell he is going to yell at me for getting shot. Because he was about to tell me something really important.

"Hey."said Gray grabing a chair and sit next to me."Hey Gray."I said.

"Krystal....why did you go just why?"he ask."I-I.....mmm....I just had to."I said not making eye contact.

"I am just happy that you are alive."said Gray. Then he hugged me.

Then my heart started to beat faster. What am I feeling? I wonder.

Then he break the hug and gaze into my eyes."What is it?"I ask. Then he holded up my chin and then I gaze into his eyes. Then he leaned closer and then I leaned closer. When we were about to kiss then the door open and I saw Natsu and Lucy.

Natsu's POV

When I open the door I saw Gray and Krystal about to kiss."Hey Krystal....GRAY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER!"I yelled. I heard Lucy laughing and Krystal.

"Its none of your business flame-ass!"yell Gray."I will kill you if you touch her again!"I yelled."Tch fine and Krystal I will talk to you later."said Gray and he leave.

"So how are you feeling Krystal?"I ask."I am doing fine."said Krystal smiling."I am so sorry Krystal I shoulda been the one that got shot not you."saud Lucy tearing up."

"Its fine Lu and I am glad that you are ok?"said Krystal hugging Luce."Hey I was worried too you know."I said to them and they giggled. And we did a group hug. The hug remind me of me Krystal and our parents doing a group hug."I miss them."whispers Krystal to me. And i whisper back"Me too."

Sorry for the late update i was doing to the other story so yeah.

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