Do I love her?

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Gray's POV

Still I was confuse on how I broke Krystal's heart. Look I know I have a girlfriend and Oh. Oh. Wait does Krystal have a crush on me. I think I am going to call her. No maybe she isnt going to answer.

Ugh I hate my life now. I think I am going to call Lucy because she knows Krystal very well.



Hey Lucy

Hey Gray whats up

Have you heard what happen to Krystal

Yeah and Its your fault

Hows it my fault

Go ask Krystal

What Lucy is Natsu with you

Yeah he is in the bathroom

Good because can you keep for the whole day because I want to make it up to Krystal

Fine but I am going this for Krystal's sake

Thank you so much

Yeah yeah bye


Phone call ends

Ok my plan is to dress causal and I have to go to Juvia's because well I have to break up with her. Dont get me wrong she is a nice girl but she is sometimes creepy especially when she met one the girls that are my friends and she scream out Love Rival. And she had a boyfriend like the hell Juvia.

Anyways pull up to her house. Man i hope she takes it well. Well we only had been dating for a week so.

I knock the door and I heard a 'coming'. She open the door."GRAY SAMA!"she scream and hugged me tightly."Yeah yeah nice to see you too."I said patting her to release me and she did."What brings you here?"she ask."We need to talk."I said with a serious expression. She let me in and we talk in the living room.

"Juvia I hate to say this but I am....breaking up with you."I said and her eyes were fill with tears."Wh-what?!"she said."Why why do you wnat to break up with me did I do something wrong?"

I told her everything about how Krystal and Natsu were there at the park yesterday and why she is heartbroken.

Juvia sighed in understandment(Idk if that is a word Lol)"Juvia need to confess something too."she said."I am cheating on you."

My mouth drop. I was so shock she was cheating on me this whole time."I am so sorry Gray-sama."she said while trying to calm herself."Its fine Juvia and I think we would be off with other people."I said."But can we still be friends?"ask Juvia.

I gave her a smile and nodded. We both hug and now I am driving to Krystal's and Natsu's apartment.

Krystal's POV

It was Sunday and I wanted to stay home all day. I take a shower and put my clothes on. I wear a dark blue Adidas sweater with black ripped jeans with my black leather sandals and also Natsu forgot his scarf so I wear it. It smells just like him. Ok I am acting creepy.

I went to the kitchen and I found a note from Natsu on the fridge. It says:

Hey Krystal I made breakfast and I put some leftovers in the fridge. And also I am hanging out with Lucy today. I will be back before you know it.

From the coolest twin brother in the world,

I laugh at the last part. I check the fridge and there was French Toast. I ate it while watching 'Once upon a time'.

Then I heard a knock from the door. I didnt bother to see who it was. I open the door and see Gray right there in the doorway.

"Gr-Gray?!"I said in panic."Hey Krystal."he said."May I come in?" I nodded and let him in. We went to the living room and we sit down.

"So how are you been?"ask Gray nervously."Good"I said not making eye contact to him."Hey I am so sorry."he said."Sorry for what?"I ask even though I know the answer.

Then he leaned closer to me. I started to blush."U-um Gray what are y-you-"I said but then I just realize a pair of lips went on mine. Was he kissing me?!

I was in shock but then I kiss him back. He was leaning even more until
We fell on the floor.

"Ouch!"I said rubbing my head."Sorry"said Gray rubbing his forehead."Its fine but why did you kiss me arent you with Juvia?"I ask."Nope I would rather be with you because you."He said about to kiss me again.

But then the door unlock and Natsu was at the doorway."K-Krystal...G-Gray?!"he yell.


Sorry guys but I have to Gomen'nasai

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