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3 weeks later

Natsu's POV

It's the week before our graduation. I am so excited. I just cant wait. But I am sad because my friends and my sis are going to different colleges. Well expect for Luce which I can tell the question that was eating me after I ask her to be my girlfriend. I hope she says yes.

Anyways I am hosting a party for us tonight because its going to be the last week before we go to our separate ways. I am really going to miss them. Anyways they should be here in about 3 hours. So right now I am going to get ready.

Lucy's POV

Today Natsu invite all of us to go to his house so we could have a party. I am at the mall by myself because I want to.

I buy a new dress and I think Natsu would love it because well he always loves everything I wear.

But when I got out of the store I heard a voice calling me."Hey Lucy!"said the voice. I turn around and I see
"Sting?!" I said in panic.

"Hey its fine Lucy I am not going to hurt you."he said."How am I sure."I said."Lucy the thing is that..............I'm gay."said Sting. I was in shock. There was a moment of silence.

"Wow Sting that is um....wow"I stuttered. I dont know how to say this. I was so speechless."And by the way I am so sorry that I scare the last time I saw you and I am so sorry that I am such a bad boyfriend to you and I shoudnt not did that to you I am sorry."said Sting not looking at me in the eye.

"It's fine Sting and you know what I forgive you because you apologize to me and I am glad that you did."I said patting his head.

"Hey Natsu is throwing a party at his house tonight and I thought you can come."I said."You can inivite your boyfriend if you want."

He smiled at me."Sure I'll come but how is that pinkie boyfriend of yours is going to react because you remember last time."he said."Yeah but dont worry I will tell him when you come to the house later."I said to him.

"Let me guess you want to see his reaction when he sees me."he said with a little smirk. Then an idea pop into my head and I smirk evily."Oh no I have seen that before what are you planning?"he ask me.

"I have a plan."I said."And you are going to help me."

"Alright whats your plan Queen of pranks."

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