1: Ronny and the Racial Raptors

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Chapter One: Ronny and the Racial Raptors

[Boy's locker room, Atenamal Regional High, 10:51 AM, The Boys of the Benches]

RONNY: "I'd rather get dicked in the cock-hole than listen to Mr Fieldman yelling at Quinton to stop wearing thongs to school for a full sixty minutes."

ABDUL: "You act as if anal is better than eyeing up Quinton's sucked-and-cupped butt cheeks for an entire period. Entertainment comes in many, many magical forms."

KHASHAR: "Abdul, I hate to break it to you, but your gay is showing. Just a little bit."

ABDUL: "I don't think gay is a tangible thing, that can, you know, be seen. I think it's just one of those..."

RONNY: snickering  "One of those what, now, Abdul? Come on. Spit it out."

KHASHAR: to Abdul  "Unless you say 'one of those weird, unnatural things that shouldn't be touched with a sanitized ten-foot-pole', I'm out of here, man. This shit's getting too gay for me."

RONNY: "Yeah, me too, to be honest."

ABDUL: all alone  "I barely even had to say anything."


[English classroom, Atenamal Regional High, 1:29 PM, The Boys of the Desks]

RONNY: "So you're saying, like, this guy is being accused of raping this white guy's daughter."

MS. OVAL: "Correct."

RONNY: "And the accused guy is black."

MS. OVAL: "That's correct."

RONNY: "So what if the black guy - 

MS. OVAL: "Tom Robinson."

RONNY: "So what if the black guy Tom Robinson actually did rape the daughter? I mean, nobody knows. And slaves aren't really allowed to have sex anyways, so it would, like, make sense that he wants to let out some of that pent-up lust somewhere. Take advantage of a poor white girl."

MS. OVAL: "There are a lot of things wrong with what you just said, but first of all I'll point out that Tom Robinson isn't a slave, Ronny. This is the 1930s. When was slavery abolished in the US?"

CLASS: "1865?"

MS. OVAL: "You're about sixty years off there, Ronny."

RONNY: "You're kind of beating around the bush, here."

MS. OVAL: "I'm not. I'm correcting you. And I'll keep correcting you. Tom Robinson has a wife and children - he doesn't have any pent-up lust stored in a bone in his body. More so, this book is here to prove the point that racism can put a fine young man like Tom far below in status than a low-life hillbilly like Bob Ewell. It's not to showcase people of colour taking advantage of 'poor white girls.'"

RONNY: "But it doesn't say anywhere here that Tom didn't - what if he's just lying?"

MS. OVAL: "Now Tom doesn't really talk much, does he?"

JAKOB: "Just shut up, Ronny."

RONNY: "We don't know -"

MS. OVAL: "We know."

RONNY: "I'm just trying to look at things impartially, here - "

MS. OVAL: "Ronny, we know."

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