Chapter 2

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* warning self harm is mentioned*

Blake's P.O.V
Everything is just getting worse. More and more fans are hating on me which I don't understand since I didn't do anything wrong. I have become a lot more distant with everyone. I could tell everyone was getting bored with me anyways. Only time I actually left the house was when there was something to do with the band. I don't know how Shelley figured it out I was gay. Now that she unintentionally knows I'm terrified she is going to tell everyone. I sighed and went to read the comments on my last Instagram post.

"Don't take it personal but personally, I think you'd be better with somebody like me"

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"Don't take it personal but personally, I think you'd be better with somebody like me"

A lot of the comments were actually nice for once a lot of people were confused since they didn't know if I meant it to be towards someone or if I was just a fan girl for the vamps, which made me laugh. Little did they know it was directed towards George. Then I kept reading them and how a lot of them turned into bad ones like saying how I'm ugly, I can't since, George and Reece would be better off without me. I sighed knowing they were right, George and Reece probably would be much better off without me. I started crying and eventually I just screamed and through my phone against the wall not caring if anyone was home right now or not. Then I ran into the room locking the bathroom door I stared at the mirror for 5 minutes trying to convince myself the comments were wrong but I couldn't find anything I liked to prove them wrong. I wasn't thinking right and next thing I knew I punched the mirror and it shattered to the floor. Not caring anymore I just slid down to the floor and cried as I let my hand bleed. I built up enough strength to start up a bath. After it was filled I climbed in and I let out a yelp as soon as the hot water it my hands. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.
"Blake? Are you ok?" the voice said which I soon realized it was George's, I looked over where the broken glass was. Great.
"Yeah I'm fine George, I'm just in the bath" I said as my voice cracked a bit due to my throat being so dry.
"Blake I'm worried about you, but fine I'll wait out here till you're done" George said and I sighed and decided on getting out.  I wrapped my hand up in gauze and sighed as I walked out to my room and I sat on my bed beside George.  We sat in an awkward silence for a while before he finally said something.
"Come on Blake, I'm your best friend your hand is bandage you can't keep telling me your fine when I can clearly see you're not ok" George said as he looked at me waiting for me to reply.
"I- just I don't know anymore" I said as I started to cry again and George just wrapped his arms around me and held me. After a while I finally calmed down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" George asked sweetly. I wanted to just come out and tell him everything but I didn't since I knew it wouldn't be a good idea.
"Just getting a lot of hate lately" I said
"Anything else?" George asked
"I um don't eat much anymore I guess? You can probably tell though" I said sadly
"I know you don't eat Blakey, and since when do you ever listen to hate comments?"  George questioned
"I don't know" I said
"Show me your wrists" George said
"George no you know I haven't done that in for ever" I said hoping he would drop it
"Then you should have no problem showing me your wrists" he said smirking I rolled my eyes and gave him my arm. I'm not proud that I started again since I was three months clean.
"Blake these are defiantly fresh, you lied to me and broke your promise" George said sadly
"Look I'm not proud I started again, it just helps sometimes" I snipped back. Which I instantly regretted since I saw his face fall into a frown
"Why, why would you start again?" George asked
"Hate" I said which was partly true but the main real reason is because his girlfriend bullies me behind everyone's back.
"Come on Blake I know you better then you know you, and I know there is something more" George said trying to get me to say more.
"FINE there is a lot more too it but I just don't want to say it yet!" I screamed
"Look George I'm sorry I'm just not ready to tell anybody yet" I said sadly
"No, don't be sorry its ok Blakey I pushed you and I shouldn't have" He smiled and hugged me.
"So tell me what the hate comments are" George said
"Most of them are just people calling me fat and ugly and some are saying I can't sing" I said sadly
"Well first of all none of that is true, ok don't listen to them I know it's hard to block out the hate but all those comments are wrong. You're not ugly or fat and you defiantly can sing Blakey" he said smiling. I unintentionally smiled
"Awe see there's the happy Blake we all know and love" George smiled and hugged me. If only you could know the truth I thought.
"You look exhausted here come lay down and rest" he said patting the spot beside him. I rolled my eyes and laid down beside him while continued to stay sitting up
"Please don't leave me" I said quietly hoping he didn't hear me.
"I would never leave you Blake" he said. Which made me smile before I was fully taken over by sleep.

A/N; I've honestly been debating on uploading this story for so long aha 😂🙈 Shelley will be more active just not yet 😂 also I am gonna upload this chapter again but it will be all in George's P.O.V and chapter 3 is somewhat done but sadly I half to go to work and I can't finish it 😂💙

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