Chapter 13

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Blake's P.O.V

It was about 3am and I haven't been able to sleep both George and Reece were asleep beside me since we all did fall asleep watching movies but I woke up. I tried to go back to sleep but I just kept tossing and turning while trying my best not to wake the boys up. I sighed and decided on getting out of the bed. I went down stairs to the living room and noticed Tanner was awake.

"Hey Tanner I couldn't sleep" I sighed. Sitting beside him on the couch.

"Blake omg you look terrible" he said putting his hand on my forehead.

"Gee thanks Tanner" I sighed.

"Awe Blakey come here" he said as he pulled me on to his lap.

"My entire body hurts" I said as I started to cry.

"Blake you're sick it's normal." He said rubbing my back.

"I know I hate being sick" I said crying more.

"I know Blakey I know" he sighed as he continued to rub my back. I soon felt myself falling asleep again.

Reece's P.O.V

I woke up to the bright light shining through the window I rolled over and smacked into something, or well I guess someone. Then I remembered falling asleep watching movies with Blake and George.

"Hey Blakey wake up" I smiled nudging him. But he didn't budge.

"Come on I smell pancakes" I laughed

"Pancakes are always good but I'm George not Blake" George laughed.

"Oh god sorry George, normally Blake is still sleeping" I said laughing.

"It's good, let's go get some pancakes." George smiled.

As we walked downstairs we saw James and Connor cooking pancakes.

"Hey boys" James smiled.

"Morning" George smiled back. I locked over to the living room and I saw Tanner and Blake asleep on the couch.

"Yeah they were like that when I woke up too" Ben laughed

"Blake looks like he was crying?" I questioned.

"He's sick" George stated.

"Huh?"  I questioned him.

"He's pale and I'm pretty sure I felt him tossing and turning last night for a while but then it stopped so I assumed he went back to sleep. But I guess he came down here." George smiled as he kissed Blake on the forehead. We went back to the kitchen and started eating.

"Hey." Blake said quietly as he sat down next to George. Wow he really did look sick.

"Hey Blakey" George smiled as he wrapped his one arm around Blake.

"Can you two get anymore adorable?" I laughed

"I agree with Reece, my Glake heart" Connor smiled as he put his hand over his heart.

"I mean we probably could get more adorable" George smiled as he pulled Blake into his lap.

"Adorable." James smiled.

"I don't feel so good" Blake said quickly before he ran off upstairs.

"He's probably going to be sick I'll go after him" George said running after Blake.

"He was pretty bad last night, he said his entire body was sore and he was really pale. Oh he had a fever." Tanner said as he walked into the room.

"Awe poor Blake" I said sadly.

George's P.O.V

"Blake?" I questioned as I ran upstairs after him. I soon heard quite sobs coming from the bathroom.

"Go away" Blake said between sobs.

"Blake you know I'm not going to leave you" I said as I slowly pushed open the door.

I saw him curled up besides the toilet shivering.

"Awe Blake come here" I said hugging him.

"I hate being sick." He said sadly

"I know baby it's going to be ok" I smiled. But he just cried more.

"Come on Blake" I said as I handed him the face cloth. He washed his face and smiled sadly at me.

"Carry me?" Blake said in the cutest way possible.

"Awe Blake come on your so much taller than me I don't think it's possible" I laughed. He just looked at me and pouted. How could I say no to that face?

"Ok come on hop on my back" I sighed. As he got onto my back and he was a lot lighter than I thought. Which started to worry me.

"Hey um Blake?"  I questioned.

"Yes Georgie?" he said smiling.

"I know you have been going through a lot lately I understand you're probably under a lot of stress and I understand but-" Before I could say anything more Blake cut me off.

"George just say or ask whatever you want get it done and over with" Blake laughed.

"When's the last time you ate properly?" I sighed. I immediately regretted it I could feel him tense up.

"Never mind forget I asked" I sighed as I laid him on the bed. I laid down beside him.

"No Georgie its ok, I haven't eaten much in the past couple weeks. I'm sorry George but I am trying to get better. I really am it's hard though." Blake said crying.

"Blakey I will always be here for you no matter what I love you" I said as I kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Georgie" he said as he cuddled into me more. I rubbed his back and smiled knowing he would be asleep soon. Rubbing his back or running my fingers through his hair it would always help him get to sleep.

A/N: thank you for all the comments and votes and everything. 🙈 💙

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