Chapter 7

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Blake's P.O.V

It's been a two months and everything has just gotten worse. I came out to my family, Abbie and Mom said they had already had an idea about me being gay so they were ok. My dad was not too impressed but I think he will come around, I hope he does. As for hate it's just gotten a lot worse since now everyone knows about me being gay. They know about everything.


Blake's P.O.V

We were doing an Instagram live stream I was kind of staying quite since I wasn't really in the mood but the boys convinced me to do it. I of course kept reading all the comments.

"Why isn't Blake talking?"

"Why is Blake always looking at George like he's in love with him?"

"Glake is real" *if only I thought when I saw that comment*

"Blake is a disgrace to New Hope Club, he should just kill himself." *wow ok harsh*

"No one will ever love a freak like him"

"He's ugly"

"He's a waste of space"

"Seriously just go kill yourself already" *that was the final straw.

I stood up and ran to the bathroom, I could hear the boys calling after me. I just snapped.

"NO! Don't even TRY!" I said crying

"Blake just ignore the hate" George tried to hug me

"NO! You guys always tell me to do that and guess what? IT NEVER WORKS" I said pushing George away

"Blake please calm down, ok we can get through this." Reece said calmly.

"They are seriously telling me to kill myself! You just want me to ignore that?! You don't think I know everyone would be better off without me? You don't you think I know I'm freak?" I cried out.

"Blakey-" George tried to say something but I cut him off.

"George I'm GAY that automatically makes me a freak! On top of that I cut and everyone thinks it's for attention when it's not! AND everyone can tell I don't eat, I constantly see comments about it." I said crying Reece hugged me

"There's got to be more Blakey, more to the story you're leaving out." George hugged me slightly

"Fine! You want to know the entire fucking truth? Fine well here it is, I'm in love with one of my best friends but they have a girlfriend who abuses me daily! She hates me George she hates me so much. I lifted my shirt up a bit so he could see the bruises left by Shelley. He was shocked and didn't say anything.

"Yes, George the bestfriend is you and yes the girlfriend is Shelley, ever since you guys got together she has always hated me. She has abused me for so long, and yeah maybe I should have said something but at the time no one knew I was gay and I didn't want anyone to know! Look I'm sorry I love you ok I understand you will never love me the way like I do." I said crying. Then my phone went off.

"It's Ben?" Reece said I didn't say anything I just nodded

"Hey Ben what's up?" Reece said

"Oh you know just watching your live stream. Fans are going crazy by the way." Ben said

"What do you mean it ended when we ran-" Reece cut himself off and stared towards George's phone

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