Chapter 5

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Reece's P.O.V

I was enjoying my sleep till a heard a scream which jolted me awake. I got up and walked out of my room to find out where the scream came from. I got closer to Blake's room and I heard muffled cries, He must be having a nightmare I thought. I pushed opened his door and walked in, to see him thrashing around in his bed. I quickly ran over to him.

"Blake, come on wake up?" I tried to shake him awake.

"No, please don't hurt me" Blake mumbled

"Blakey it's me Reece, come on you need to wake up" I said.

"Stop! No please!" he kept screaming. I sighed wondering how George hasn't even woke up yet.

"Blakey come on, please wake up" I tried once more. Finally he jolted awake.

"What... Reece?" he said crying even more.

"Oh my god thank god you woke up" I said as I hugged him

"What happened?" he questioned.

"You were screaming, and then thrashing in your bed and you wouldn't wake up" I said sadly

"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked him.

"No Reece I'm not ok, I have had the same nightmare for the past month" he said crying.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I questioned

He was about to say something till both George and Shelley came running in. is it bad I didn't even know she was here?

"What is up with all the screaming?" Shelley questioned

"Is everyone ok?" George asked.

As soon as Shelley walked in I felt Blake move a bit behind me, as if he was hiding from her which was weird.

"Umm yeah, were all good, Blake just had a small nightmare but everything is good" I said hoping they would believe me and leave.

"Blake are you sure you're ok?" George asked as he came closer. I stood up to block Blake a bit more.

"Were good George" I said more sternly. I could tell George as a bit shocked, but clearly something happened with them and freaked Blake out.

"Fine whatever" he snipped and left the room.

"Why did you block him from coming closer to me?" Blake asked me sadly

"Look I saw you hide more behind me as soon as they both walked into the room, I know she hurts you and I wanted to talk to just you." I said rubbing his back.

"It's always the same nightmare." Blake said

*Flashback in Blake's P.O.V*

I was in my room getting ready to hang out with George Reece and sadly Shelley. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Shelley.

"Heyyy Blake" she said sweetly which is was sickening in my opinion since we both hate each other and we know it.

"Umm Hi?" I said more which sounded more like a question.

"Look I just wanted to talk." She said smirking

"Uhh ok... Come in I guess" I said as I moved from my door. As she came in she closed the door.

"Look you dick, I don't like you, you don't like me but I know for a fact you're gay and you're in love with George." She smirked

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said playing stupid.

"Don't play stupid, I know I watched the way you look at George and the way you didn't pull your hand away when he grabbed it the other day." She snapped.

"He will never love you, you're worthless and pathetic." She said before I could say anything she pushed me to the ground.

"You are nothing to him. You are nothing to anyone." She smirked as she punched me in the lip.

I was now crying, which of course Shelley picked up on really quickly.

"Awe the baby is crying, how adorable" she laughed

"They are all just pretending the care, no one actually cares about you and you're a waste of space." She smirked as she kicked me in my stomach. It hurt so bad, I just wanted her to stop.

"Well what do we have here?" She said as she pointed out my cuts and dug her nails through the cuts. Which made me yelp a bit.

"You should just kill yourself." She smirked as she hit me once more. Before leaving me and walking out of my room. Which I was thankful for. I slowly pushed myself up and limped to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my lip was bleeding my cuts were now bleeding as well. My ribs hurt a lot. I just ended up crying more. Then I heard another knock.

"Hey Blakey you ready?" I heard George's voice on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Umm yeah just 5 more minutes." I said

"Ok" George said as he walked off.

I washed my face and my cuts off. I sighed I left my bathroom and grabbed my sweater too cover my cuts. Just hope they don't notice the cut on my lip.

"Alright let's go" I said as I came downstairs. I saw Shelley smirking at me.

"Alright off to the mall we go" Reece smiled.

*End of flashback*

*Back to Reece's P.O.V *

After Blake got done telling me, I remember that day perfectly, Blake looked like he had be crying and he looked so tired but I never questioned him about it when I clearly should have.

"Blake, I should have asked you that day when is saw you come down. I knew something happened." I said as I hugged him more.

"It's ok, I would have lied and said I was fine anyways." Blake said sadly

"Well I am always here for you, were going to make sure she pays and George sees that she's a bitch." I said smiling.

"Ok but can I go back to sleep first?" Blake said tiredly

"Of course Blakey." I smiled as I laid back down with him.

He laid his head on my chest, which of course I didn't mind. After a while I finally herd Blake's breathing even out which meant he was finally back to sleep.

A/N: so here's chapter 5. 🙈 sorry Blake I love you, Shelley is a bitch don't worry 😂😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️ sorry anyways hope everyone is enjoying this story aha I've had the idea of doing this story for so long so finally just decided to post it 🙈 I don't know when I'll update again but hopefully soon 💙
- Kenzie

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