Chapter 24

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Blake's P.O.V
It's been a couple weeks since everything went down. I also have my first concert back with the boys today and I don't know how I really feel about it. I am of course happy to preform again with George and Reece, I'm just scared that the fans are going to hate me for basically going offline with no expiation.

"Why can't I go with you guys" I heard Lexi's voice cutting into my thoughts.

"Because Lex you will see us tonight at the show." Reece said smiling.

"But I want to be with Blake!" She whined as she came over and hugged me.

"I swear my sister loves you more then she loves me" Reece said as he faked being hurt. I was about to say something till Lexi spoke up.

"I'm just scared Reecey I don't want to lose Blakey" she said as she nuzzled herself into my lap. God I feel so guilty now. She wasn't supposed to even find me cutting myself no one was.  I looked up at Reece and I saw him with sad eyes.

"Lex we all don't want to lose him, we all-" Reece went to finish but I cut him off.

"If it's ok with Ben and your mom, just let her come. It's my fault everyone is worried about me anyways." I sighed.

"Ben?" Reece questioned.

"I don't have a problem with it" Ben smiled.

"Ok fine I'll go contact mom." Reece said rolling his eyes as he left the room.

"Hey sweet heart how you feeling?" My mom asked as she kissed my forehead.

"I'm ok, I'm just scared for the show tonight." I sighed.

"Oh honey you are going to do amazing ok? Your father Abbie and I will be there to cheer you on ok?" She said hugging me.

"Thanks mom" I smiled a bit.

"Hey you need to wake up your boyfriend since he's not listening to me" Tanner said as he came downstairs.

"G is still asleep? That's unlike him, I thought he was already up." I said confused.

"Nope he's still asleep" Tanner said.

"Mom said it was ok, we just have to keep an eye on her obviously. I don't think that is a problem since she will be hooked to Blake's side" Reece said laughing as he came back into the room. I laughed a bit and went upstairs to wake up George.

"Georgie?" I asked quietly as I opened the door. How was he still asleep normally it's me who is still sleeping? I went over and tried to nudge him but he didn't move.

"G, come on you have to get up and get ready" I said as I brushed my hand through his hair.

"I'm sleepy" he mumbled as he slightly opened his eyes.

"For once I'm awake before you" I said laughing.

"Weird" George said as he stretched out and sat up.

"Yeah everyone is up and ready were all just waiting on you" I said smirking a bit because it was nice that everyone was waiting on someone else instead of just me all the time.

"May I remind you the amount of times we have all had to wait for you?" George said as he kissed my lips then grabbed his stuff and went to the bathroom to get changed.

"You suck!" I said rolling my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see it.

"Awe I love you too" George yelled back from the bathroom. I smiled and went back down stairs.

"So did you get the sleeping beauty up?" Tanner asked laughing.

"Yeah the princess is awake and getting ready." I said laughing as well. After a few minutes George finally came down and we all got into the van. I sat in the back with George Lexi sat in the middle with Reece and then Tanner was up front while Ben was driving. Once we arrived at venue I saw The Vamps already out and taking pictures. I use to love being with the crowd and now I'm starting to panic about the idea of it.

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