Chapter 16

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Blake's P.O.V

I was sleeping soundly until I felt someone jump on the bed.

"Blakeeyyyy come on Ben and Tanner are going to be here soon" I heard the voice say. But I was too warm and comfy to move so I didn't.

"Ugh why are you the impossible one" I heard the voice say as they laughed. Then I didn't hear anything for a minute so I assumed they left. While I ended up falling back asleep. A few minutes later I heard my door open again and I sighed.

"George wake up your boyfriends ass since he won't listen to me" I heard the voice which I could tell now it was Reece.

"But he's adorable let him sleep." George said sweetly. I smiled even though I was facing away from them so they couldn't see me.

"George he needs to get up and get ready." Reece sighed.

"Yeah but Ben and Tanner aren't going to be here for another hour." George stated.

"And Blake is going to need that hour to get ready, come on George" Reece sighed. He isn't wrong I smiled again. I didn't hear anything from George but suddenly I felt him lay down beside me and cuddle into me.

"UGH! I swear sometimes you guys suck!" Reece said as he walked out of the room.

"I know you're up Blake" George said as he rolled me over to face him.

"Nope I'm sleeping." I said smiling but keeping my eyes closed. George leaned in and kissed me I of course kissed him back.

"How did you even know I was awake?" I questioned.

"I guessed. Also I noticed you laugh a bit at one point. Oh and as soon as I laid down beside you and cuddled you, you leaned into my touch almost instantly" George smiled.

"Yeah but don't I do that in my sleep too? Since you and Reece always have told me I do" I laughed.

"Depends sometimes you do sometimes you don't" George laughed.

"But for real you do need to get up and get ready" George said as he kissed my forehead.

"Yeah I'm going" I sighed as I got up out of bed since there was no sense in fighting with George.

After I was ready George and I went downstairs and saw Reece sitting at the table on his phone.

"Well about time beauty queen." Reece smirked.

"I was awake when you first came in just didn't click in my brain who it actually was, then I fell back asleep but woke back up when I heard my door open when you came in with George." I said laughing.

"They're here" Reece smiled. As we all headed out to the van where Ben and Tanner were.

"Hello boys, how is everyone?" Ben questioned.

"I'm good" Both Reece and George said at the same time. Which made me laugh.

"Well good, and Blake?" Ben questioned.

"Good" I smiled

"So where are we going anyways?" Reece questioned.

"Well you guys have a couple of radio interviews." Ben stated. I froze, I haven't really been on any social media so I can only imagine the questions we would get.

"Now Blake we are not going to push you to do the interview if you don't want to." Tanner said smiling sadly. Pretty sure he sensed I was uncomfortable. I soon felt Reece and George hug me which made me relax.

"I can't hide forever" I sighed. This is going to be interesting. We finally arrived to the radio station and there was a lot of fans standing outside waiting for us. Which made me panic a little bit.

Hidden / GlakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora