Chapter 17

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Blake's P.O.V.
I was lying in my bed deep in my own thoughts. Something was wrong I just could feel it in my stomach. Like you know that weird feeling you get when you know something is wrong? Yeah that's what I have. I sighed just when it seems I'm becoming happy here I am with my thoughts ruining it.

"Hey babe" George kissed my cheek but I didn't react much since I was still deep into my thoughts. Like what if Ben George Reece and Tanner all know there's something bad and their not telling me? What if George really doesn't like me and it's all a joke? What if everyone really hates me and is just tolerating me for the bands sake. What if-

"Blakey Babe" George nudged me hard enough to make me look at him.

"Hmm?" I said slightly.

"Do you want to talk about whatever's on your mind?" he looked at me. I should tell him.

"Um nope it's nothing" I said fake smiling. I didn't want to bother him with my stupid thoughts.

"Ok if you're sure, so anyways for the Halloween party tomorrow I was thinking we could go as Scooby and Shaggy" George said with the biggest smile on his face.

"So I'm shaggy and you're Scooby?" I laughed a bit.

"Why am I Scooby? Maybe I wanted to be Shaggy." George said fake pouting.

"Because I'm tall like Shaggy, and you would make an adorable Scooby" I smiled as I kissed his nose.

"Ok fine, I'll be Scooby."  George smiled as he kissed me.

"GUYS! I figured out what I'm going to be." Reece screamed as he came running into the room. George and I looked at each other and gave Reece a weird look.

"Oh unless we were going as something altogether." Reece said unsurely.

"George and I were going as Scooby and Shaggy. So what were you going to be?" George smiled.

"Awe you guys are too cute. And I was going to be Koopa, the guy that comes up after each lap in Mario Kart" Reece tried his best to explain.

"I know what you mean, and that's awesome Reece" I laughed.

"I'm so excited for the party tomorrow" George smiled. I fake smiled since I still had a horrible feeling that something isn't right.

-Skip over to tomorrow-

We were getting ready for the party I was actually the first one to be ready which will most likely be the last time.  I was staring at myself in the mirror till I saw George walk up behind me.

"Blake stop you look amazing." George smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"How do you even know what I was thinking?" I questioned as I turned to face him.

"Because Blake I know you better then you know yourself and I know you're doubting your looks, but you have nothing to doubt Blake your beautiful no matter what anyone says." George smiled. I really don't deserve him.

"I love you so much G I don't deserve you." I sighed hugging him.

"Shut up Blake, ok? Your mine and I wouldn't want it any other way" George said.

"Hey Scooby Shaggy you ready?" Reece said laughing as he walked in the room.

"Yeah were good Koopa let's go" I smiled. As we headed over to the party.

 As we headed over to the party

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