Chapter 6

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The cab got here 15 minutes after Finn left. It also started to rain after he left.
So as I stood in the rain waiting for the cab I thought of what I just did to this poor guy.

As the cab pulled up, I grabbed my purse and got in soaking wet. I told him where I needed to go.

"Who left you here all alone in the rain?"
The cab driver asked.

"Well, I was on a date and I ruined it."
I said as I looked out the window.

"Ah, I'm guessing you accused him of using you?"

"Yeah" I looked at him curiously.
"How did you know?"

"Honey, Every girl like you does that. In my opinion you should have just been thankful he even likes you. He must of been a good guy if he brought you this far and called a cab for you"

As I listened to what he just said I realized I should have been thankful for what Finn did. He made this night perfect and I ruined it.

As we pulled up to my house I thanked the guy for what he said and went inside.

"Hi honey! How did it go?" My dad asked.

"Horrible, I ruined it! I was acting selfish and thought about myself and didn't even realize what he did for me" I started to cry as my dad came up and hugged me.

"Honey, it will get better. It just takes time. How about you go upstairs and change into some pajamas and I will bring you some hot chocolate, Okay?"

"Okay dad thank you"

As I ran upstairs I decided to text Finn and apologize. Even though its late I really need to tell him how I feel about us.

I changed into some shorts and a tank top and laid in my bed grabbing my phone.

"Knock, knock" my dad said coming in with hot chocolate.

"Thanks dad" I said as I took the drink from him and setting it on the stand beside me.

"You and Finn will make up. Once he realizes how good of a person you are he will be crawling back begging on his knees for you"

I laughed a little at that. "Thanks dad"

As my dad left I sent Finn the text.


Hi Finn, this is Rachel. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for what I did. It was kinda rude of me and I didn't realize how much you did for me tonight. Hopefully you could forgive me for what I did. Have a nice night and I will see you tomorrow. Bye.

As I sent the message my stomach kinda felt weird. Hmm maybe just tired of what happened.

So I finished my drink and laid down.
I fell asleep around 2 still thinking of Finn.


What do you guys think?

Im still thinking of what I should do but I think I have a good idea for the next chapter! :)

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