Chapter 10

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Rachel's POV

Kurt picked me up and took me too his house. My dad was confused when Kurt got there so I told him Kurt was gonna take me to Quinn's, which luckily my dad believed.

As we pulled into Kurt's driveway I told him what Finn told me earlier. And Kurt being himself was like..

"Rachel, its true love you guys share. I would know because I'm the love expert"

So what I did was laugh at him.

"You the love expert? Kurt, Finn is like every other guy at that school expect for you. He acts like he loves a girl and then uses them and never speaks to them again"

I was true, and I know Kurt wants me happy but we just have to face the truth. All of us do.

So as we got inside said hi to his dad Burt and went downstairs I did think of what Kurt said. Maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't who knows.

"Alright I'm guessing I am doing your hair, make-up, and outfit?" Kurt asked suspiciously.

"Nope, just my hair and make-up. I got my outfit and trust me it will be good" The outfit I picked out was a black mini dress and it was somewhat tight which showed off all the things I wanted.

"Alright, lets get ready so you can go show off the new and improved Rachel Berry" Kurt acted like he was surprised but he wasn't.

After an hour of getting ready I finally got to Noah's party. There was at least 200 people there maybe even more.

I already know Finn is gonna be there. But as I walked in I got some whistles and I kinda felt proud. So far so good.

I walked around to see if I saw anyone and luckily there was Mercedes and Sam. They were dating and I thought they were great together.

"Hey girl, whats up?" Wow, Mercedes Jones was actually drunk. How did I know, Sam wasn't drunk which meant he was taking her home.

"Hi Rachel, how are you?"

God his voice was so soft and just amazing. If you didn't like him then something was wrong with you.

"Im great actually, hoping I can get my mind off some things tonight" I smiled a fake smile and I knew Sam saw that something was up.

"Hey honey, how about you go talk to Tina over there, okay?" Sam said to Mercedes and of course she listened and walked over to her.

"Alright Berry, talk to me"

Luckily Sam went to my old school when I was younger and I've known him for quite a while.

"Its Finn.." I looked down at my drink that I grabbed on the way in. Which is very good so far and I have a feeling Im gonna get drunk tonight.

"Rachel, what did I tell you about him. He is a good guy. Trust me, just talk to him. Tell him that it was all a misunderstanding"

He always knew how to make me feel better. And his smile was warm and kind.

"Alright, have you seen him?" I had to speak a little louder because some idiot decided to turn up the music.

Sam nodded and pointed to over where some girls were and Finn obviously drunk talking to them.

So I thanked Sam for everything and walked over to him.

Maybe Kurt was right. Maybe we are meant to be. Hopefully I can get the non drunk Finn and not the drunk Finn to answer me.

Alright there will be a new chapter Saturday! I will be busy the next two days sadly.

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It means a lot!

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