Chapter 14

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Rachels POV


I don't know where I was or why I was. All I know is that I cant see and I keep hearing someone muttering to themself.

"Uh hello?" I had to ask.. I need to know why Im here and who brought me here.

"Ah, your finally awake. How are you feeling babe?"

That voice sounded famaliar but I cant quite figure out who that was.

"Who are you and why am I here?"

Like I will get the answer to that.

"That's something for me to know and for you too find out"

I felt awkward in this room. I already know I was bleeding from my head. I can feel it.

"W-why am I bleeding?" Okay he seriously needs to tell me who he is. This is getting old.

"Just shut up, Now your gonna feel a slight pinch in your nerve but don't worry it won't hurt you that much"

What did he just say?!

"Wait what?! Let me go!" I began crying and trying to get out but it was pointless.

I felt a slight pinch like he said I would and then I was out.

All I could think to myself before that was, where is Finn when I need him.


I know this is a very short chapter but its late and I'm tired.. I promise that tomorrow it will be longer! alrighty goodnight! (:

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