Chapter 9

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Finns POV

I arrived at the party around 8:50, the party itself doesn't start until 9:15 because Puck insisted it will be better that way.

I walked in and helped Puck set up the drinks and food. We talked a little about what might happen, who's gonna lose the V, who's gonna get drunk, and so on.

I know for a fact I'm not gonna get drunk or lose my virginity tonight, first of all I want to wait for a special girl and alcohol at this age isn't healthy.

Puck on the other hand will have a ton of girls tonight and he will be drunk for sure.
I kinda hope Rachel comes, it would make it a lot more fun and maybe we can talk and become friends again.

I might have ruined that though, especially after what I said. God I was such a dick for saying that.

As we waited for the party to start I got to thinking of what would happen if Rachel and I did get together that night. What would we do if we both came to the party tonight? How would she react? Questions like that.

As I was in my own little world the door bell rang and Puck let in like 20 people. I helped greeted them with "Hello" or "Thanks for coming hope you guys have fun" and things like that.

Around 9:45 at least 100-200 people were here and I still haven't seen Rachel yet. Luckily the party doesn't end until 4AM.

"Hey man, why are you waiting by the door? Come have fun! Dance with some ladies!" And Puck is drunk. Perfect.

"Nah, I'm good here greeting people as they come in" I was clearly lying.

"Dude, get over her." And the music got louder so Puck talked louder and then began pulling me towards the girls he was talking to earlier.

"Hi handsome" One of the girls said. I will admit she is pretty good looking but it doesn't feel right. Then again Puck is right, its time to move on. So I grabbed a cup of beer, chugged it down and started dancing with Puck and the girls.

Soon things started getting blurry and the noise started to fade away. Im totally getting drunk which means I cant go home this weekend. Great.

Its already 10 and Rachel isn't here. I wonder where she is. Or maybe she is here and I just didn't see her.

I need another beer. So I grabbed another cup and chugged that down. Then out of the blue I kissed that girl and we started to make out. Whats going on with me?

I love Rachel not her. I need to stop but I cant, its like I'm stuck to her. As this happened Puck being Puck took a video and posted it on Snapchat. What is Rachel gonna say when she sees it? Maybe she won't know.

There I go again. I need to stop. So I pulled away and walked outside into the back yard which was still crowded. And still no sight of Rachel.

Did she not want to come because I was here? Did I officially ruin not seeing her again?

Well things are getting tense. It might get smutty here and there but it won't be bad.

What do you guys think so far?

Should I change some things? Add some new people to Rachel or Finns life?

Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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