Chapter 12

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Rachel's POV
I cannot believe what Finn did last night.
Not even 5 minutes into our conversation he just started making out with some girl named Tiffany!

I felt like someone stabbed me in my heart over and over again. Why would he do that to me.. Oh yeah he was drunk. But still.. Who even is Tiffany? Does he even know who Tiffany is? Well I cant ask him, he could just lie about that to spare my feelings.

So now I'm sitting at home wondering what to do next. Should I call Finn and tell him to never speak to me or should I just not even talk to him and just make him realize I'm done with his little games.

"Hey Rachel.." Kurt said while knocking on the door.

"Hey Kurt, whats up" I asked while spinning around in my spiny chair to look at him.

"How are you feeling? I saw what happened last night, and trust me I'm kinda pissed off that he did that too you."

And thats when I realized Kurt meant business which means we are going to be here a while.

"Its not a big deal Kurt.. I got it under control" I simply lied. And of course some how he knew it.

"Don't lie to me. I can tell your thinking about something.. Someone. Spill it Berry"

And he caught me. Damn it why is he good at that kind of stuff.

"Fine I talked to him today and he said he doesn't remember her.."

We both knew that was a lie and I couldn't help but almost start crying. I have never felt this way about someone... Ever.

"Im gonna call him and tell him to stop messing with your feelings.. Its getting old and its pointless" Kurt sounded angry. Really angry.

"Kurt its fine I was gonna talk to him in person today, maybe he will tell me the truth if he actually saw me" I know how its going to turn out so why even bother.

Kurt just shook his head and stood up from my bed. "Good luck Rachel. But don't say I didn't try"

And with that he was gone.

"Great." I muttered to myself.

So I got up and freshened myself up by taking a shower.. Etc.

When I was done I realized I had one miss call. So I picked up my phone and it was from Finn. He left a voice mail. Should I open it?

Well sure enough being me I opened it.


Hey Rachel, its me Finn. Um, Im actually outside your house hoping you would've answered because its cold out here and I really need to hear your voice. Um, maybe you could call me back when you get this.. I get it if you don't want to but I really need to talk. Alright bye.

Wow.. He actually wanted to talk to me. So I quickly look out my window to see if he was still there, hopefully he was.

So when I opened the window he wasn't out there.
"Damn it" I said to myself.

Should I call back? Thats when I realized I need to be the mature one.

As I dialed the number I heard a gun shot from downstairs and as I turned around I saw someone with a mask and everything went black.

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Love you guys! ❤

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