Chapter 2

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Did that really happen? And to top it off a bunch of fans were tweeting me a lot of hate. Apparently what I said was considered "rude." The way I look at it, acting like you never knew your best friend when you become famous is pretty rude. But hey, who am I? Just a normal girl sitting in her boring bedroom in Bradford. I'm eighteen and it's a Saturday night. No plans. Yeah, this is my life.

My phone would not stop going off from all of the tweets I was getting. Some were just curious and some were just plain out mean. I didn't even know some of these people, why would they send me such rude things?

@MsDJMalik1995: @PayGrimshawxo you're disgusting I hope you rot in hell! Zayn doesn't deserve to be treated like that you bitch!

@LovelyDirectionerss: @PayGrimshawxo Don't listen to the haters. You obviously have some beef with Zayn and it's none of our business.:)

@StylesCupcakesxx: @PayGrimshawxo Why do you hate Zayn?! I hate YOU now.

They kept on going for pages and pages. I replied back to some, but eventually I just tweeted a blunt and short tweet to basically tell everyone to back off.

@PayGrimshawxo: I used to know Zayn personally, no need to tell me to rot in Hell. Thanks. 

I locked the screen on my iPhone and shoved it inside the front pocket of my sweatshirt. I was done with Twitter for the night - too much drama. I flipped on the TV and found the Notebook, and eventually I fell asleep watching that. 


I really need to remember to change my alarm clock sound. It's so annoying. I woke up around 7:30am because I had to work. I work at a local cafe called The Grind. I grew up there with Zayn actually. We used to go there whenever we wanted to get away from our families. 

I threw on a pair of high-waisted denim shorts and a flowery tank top. I left my hair natural so it fell to the middle of my back with small waves. I threw on some eyeliner and mascara and left. I usually ate breakfast at the cafe because I could eat for free. 

I decided to walk because it wasn't that far and it was nice outside. I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. It only took about five minutes to get there, and I was a few minutes early. That gave me time to eat a muffin and make myself a coffee. 

I threw on the green apron all employees were enforced to wear. It was so ugly, but hey it was a part of the job, right? Could be worse.

The morning shifts were always slow, so I took out my headphones and turned on some music on my iPhone. I selected "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran. He was brilliant. I listened to the song on repeat for a while. I didn't even notice the door open and a hooded figure walked in. I looked up and in that moment I just wanted to crawl underneath the counter and hide.

It was too late, though, he had already spotted me.

"Payton?" His voice brought back so many memories. I almost ran up to him and hugged him right there, but then I remember I was mad at him.

"Hey Zayn." I said not even bothering to look at him. I heard him shuffle over to the counter where I was looking.

"You work here now?" He asked, eyeing at the coffee cakes on the counter.

"Yeah. For four years." I said annoyed. He would know that if he didn't just drop me like a bomb.

"No need to be so snappy." Zayn rolled his eyes and leaned onto a table, staring right at me.

"Are you kidding me? Like, are you actually kidding me right now?" I said almost yelling. My face felt hot because I was getting angry. He seemed amused and I just wanted to slap the ugly smirk off of his face.

"I knew you'd be weird, but I didn't think you'd be so bitchy." Zayn let out a chuckle and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He kept staring at me, as if I was some monkey at the local zoo.

"Wow. You didn't think I'd be at least a little bit mad? Seriously? You left me in the dirt like I was a pile of your dog's shit. We had one stupid fight over your precious Riley and you just stopped talking? Did you stop caring too? Because your little tweet last night had me verbally attacked. How do you think it feels seeing your face everywhere I go? Did you even think about the fact that I voted for you guys EVERY single week until you were sent home. I haven't heard from you in five years, Zayn! And you honestly think I'd just be all happy to see you again? Sorry to dissappoint." I didn't realize tears had been falling down my cheeks the whole time.

Zayn remained still, as if he was unable to move. He looked at the ground a lot, trying to avoid any eye contact with me. I threw the towel I was holding at him and walked to the girls' restroom. 

I hated him. Or at least he made me want to hate him. Deep down inside I was actually in love with him, and I hated myself for it. 


All I wanted was my best friend back. We used to be so close. We never imagined of ever hurting each other. Things change, I guess. I know my life has.

I logged onto Twitter and saw Zayn had mentioned me in a new tweet. Great.

@zaynmalik: everyone ! stop hatin on @PayGrimshawxo. she dnt deserve itt. old friend :) x

Old friend? Whatever. I then noticed that Zayn followed me. Apparently this was a huge deal to a bunch of the fans because Zayn doesn't follow fans that often. I wasn't really a fan though. I mean I've never even heard a song except What Makes You Beautiful. I swore to myself I wouldn't ever listen to it again, either.


{Zayn's POV}

I sent the tweet. I didn't really know if it would help or not, because she seemed so angry earlier. I didn't know that I would hurt her that bad. When I went away it was three years after we kind of stopped talking. I thought back to what might have made her so angry. The only thing I could think of was the Australian interview I did so long ago. I have no idea why I said Riley's name. Payton was the one that had been there all along. I knew I should've mentioned her, but I just didn't.

To be honest, I didn't know if she'd want me too. I kind of screwed up big time when I chose Riley over her. I shouldn't have done that. Me and Riley only dated for two months. Me and Payton had been friends for years. I guess I didn't think that I could do anything to fix it.

Something was bothering me though. Payton said she voted for us every week. Why didn't she call me or anything? I would've loved to hear from her. I was happy she voted. It made me feel like maybe things weren't unfixable between us.

I knew I was being ridiculous though. She was so angry with me - there was no way she'd ever forgive me. I wish she would though, because I'm in love with her. 


Alright guys, leave your comments and let me know if you like this story! I'm excited about it. Thank you for reading! <3

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