Chapter 9

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{Harry's POV}

I gripped the leather steering wheel tighter and tighter as I drove by ever mile marker on the side of the road. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew is I had to get away. 

Everything that happened in the past 48 hours was running through my brain faster than I could even breathe. Aunt Grimmy's bloody face was stuck in my head and I couldn't shake the imagine no matter how hard I tried. 

I pulled over on the side of the road and took a deep breath. As I pulled out my iPhone to check the time I saw I had seventeen missed calls.

Ten from Payton.

Four from Zayn.

Two from Mum.

One from Gemma.

I decided I would call back my sister, because she would know how to calm me down the most.

The phone rang about three times before I heard her slick voice on the other line.

"Harry?! Where are you?! We're worried sick!" I heard her start to panic and I suddenly regretted calling.

"I'm fine. I just need to get away. Gem, are you alone?" I asked her quietly. I don't know why I was whispering - it's not like anyone was around to hear me.

"Yeah, Mum's at work. I'm alone." I sighed in relief.

"Don't tell Mum where I'm going. Just let her know I'm alright." Gemma let out a frustrated grunt.

"Harry. You can not just run away at a time like this. Obviously Mum is freaking out right now because she just found our her sister has Cancer. You're being selfish."

I tensed up. Me? Selfish? Gemma never called me anything like that before.

"Selfish?! Were you the one that found her lying there hopeless? No. You weren't even there. Don't call me selfish." I was about to hang up when Gemma started talking again.

"Harry, I'm sorry. Where are you going? I won't tell Mum." Her voice sounded calmer.

"I'm going to Doncaster to visit Lou." Gemma laughed. "What's so funny?" 

"Oh nothing. It's just do you honestly expect Mum not to think you went to Louis's?" I hadn't really thought about that. I guess if I was my Mum the first place I would look for me would be Doncaster.

"Well maybe I'll just go too Wolverhampton or Mullingar then." I stammered.

"Whatever you do, just stay safe. I love you Haz." I smiled.

"Love you too Gem." With that she hung up the phone and I was left by myself again.

I pulled up Safari on my iPhone to check the flights to Ireland. Luckily there was one for later tonight. I guess Mullingar it is.

I decided to text Niall and let him know I was coming.

Harry: Hey I'm coming to visit. Need to get out of here for a while. I'll explain later. xx

Niall: alright mate , see ya soon!

Yes, I would see Niall soon.


{Payton's POV}

I froze.

"Wait - are you saying my Mum is going to die? How is this possible?!" I sobbed.

Everything was falling apart. My perfect Mum. She was fine last week. How could they have not caught it in time?

"Ms. Grimshaw, let me explain. Your mother has a rare case where she didn't show symptoms up until her case was fatal. Your Mum has had Cancer for at least ten months. She just never showed signs."

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