Chapter 12

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{Payton's POV}

I stood there in the doorway staring blankly at my cousin hovering over my boyfriend. Zayn remained motionless for a few seconds until he moaned in pain. I rushed over to him.

"Zayn?! Are you okay?!" I screamed. I turned to see Harry fuming in the doorway. 

"What? What's your problem?!" I got up and walked over to him getting close. I yelled into his face and he tried to calm me down.

"Payton, stop." I heard Zayn mumble from the ground below me. I turned around to face him.

"Why should I?! He just punched you!" I yelled back. Tears were starting to form in my eyes from frustration. 

"Payton, don't cry." Harry said softly. He pulled me into his warm and tight arms. 

"Why did you punch him?" I whispered softly. I saw Harry glance at Zayn. 

"Payton, there's something I need to tell you." Zayn grabbed my arm softly and pulled me into another room. 

I looked around and saw that it was Zayn's old bedroom. There were spiderman posters everywhere. I smiled - remembering the little boy I grew up with.

"Pay, come here." Zayn led me onto his lap while he started fingering my hair.

"Over the weekend, somebody came over. Somebody that I told myself I would never be involved with ever again." Zayn looked down at the ground and took a deep breath.

"Who was it, Zayn?" By this point, curiousity had taken over my whole body.

"Perrie Edwards." The name plummeted through my chest into my stomach. 

"And.." I trailed off - whispering.

"Well one thing led to another - and before I knew it she kissed me." I winced at the sound of Zayn's confession.

"And that's all that happened?" I said through clenched teeth. My heart was pounding and my palms were filled with sticky sweat. My eyes started burning.

"Well, no. Not really. I don't know why it happened, Payton. I really don't know. All I know is I love you so much, I never wanted to hurt you. That was never my intention." Zayn let out in one short breath.

By this point the tears had already started pooling out of both of my eyes and my vision was blurred. 

"Did you sleep with her?" The words tasted like vomit. They should have never of had to come out of my mouth. Zayn was my boyfriend. He should never cheat on me.

"Yeah. It was a mistake. Payton!" I had already gotten up and started to walk out of the room. Zayn tried reasoning with me but I wanted nothing of it. 

"The mistake was that I ever thought I could trust you." I stammered into his face. 

Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I pushed Zayn off of me. The walls next to me were all blurred colors of gray and I knew there were voices pleading with me to stay but I couldn't make them out.

I stormed to my car and jammed the key into the ignition. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was I had to get away from here. 

How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me. We hadn't even been together two weeks. I new he would never change. It was Zayn Malik. He left me in the dust and he was still the same piece of shit he was five years ago. 

I guess I finally had my closure. 


{Harry's POV}

The aching feeling in my head was tearing my thoughts apart piece by piece. I was fuming. Louis was trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. Nothing was working. Zayn broke her heart. That was unforgiveable.

"Zayn?" I heard an Irish accent say and I immediately looked up.

"Where did she go?" He asked. His voice was shaky and I could tell he had been crying. I knew the feeling.

"I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't have been a cheating bastard. Then none of this would have happened!" I snapped back at him.

"Harry, we should leave." Louis suggested. I nodded my head and we stood up.

"It was nice seeing you, Zayn." Louis nodded at the Bradford native and we walked out to the driveway.

Paul had left a black Range Rover for us to drive. Louis took the driver's seat and I slouched next to him. I rested my head against the window staring at the buildings that we were passing.

"Do you wanna talk to about it, mate?" Louis turned his head to me quickly. I shook my head in response.

"Not really." I mumbled. I took out my phone to try calling Payton.

The phone rang a few times but there was no answer.

"Damnit Payton! Answer the phone!" I yelled into the voicemail. I hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket.

"Where do you think she went?" Louis asked.

"I honestly have no clue." I closed my eyes and tried to drift to sleep when a sudden bang woke me up.


{Payton's POV}

Everything around me went numb. All I could hear was the crunching of metal around me. My head flew forward and collided with the glass windshield and I felt it crack before me.

Everything faded to blackness and I heard the urgent yelling of voices surround me. I tried saying something but I don't think anything slipped out.

"Payton?!!" I heard a familiar male voice. I couldn't make out who exactly it was.

The metalic taste of metal filled my mouth and I could feel the blood dripping down my face. My head was throbbing and I started to shake.

What was I doing here? Where am I?

What is going on?


Surprise and random update for you all!!! I felt like writing so here you go. Remember to PLEASE leave your comments!! I won't be uploading for a little while so let's see if I can get a ton of comments on this chapter! Love you all! :) 

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