Chapter 4

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Zayn and I are NOT dating. The whole world seemed to think we were though. All night my phone had been blowing up because different friends and twitter followers were asking me a bunch of questions. I felt like I just made the biggest mistake by posing with Zayn for pictures.

When I woke up in the morning I reached for my phone and shut it off. I couldn't deal with all the questions anymore, it was starting to get annoying.

When I walked into the kitchen I was struck with the struck with the overwhelming smell of cinnamon. My mother had obviously been up cooking for a while. I had to get out of my house for a while.

"Hey mum?" She turned around and smiled at me. Her purple apron was covered in flower.

"Yeah, honey?" She replied sweetly.

"Do you mind if I head off to Tessa's house?" My mom sighed.

"Honey, normally I wouldn't have a problem with it, you know that, but late last night someone came by that I think you might want to see." I was confused.

I obviously showed it too, because my mum laughed. She walked over to me and rested her hand on my shoulder. She pointed behind me and I turned around.

When I looked over my shoulder I was greeted with a pair of sparkling green eyes I knew very well. Framing the boy's face were brown curls that were messy from sleeping. I smiled brightly.

"Harry!" I yelled as I hugged my cousin tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and laughed.

"Hey Pay!" Harry pulled away and looked at me.

"Were you seriously going to leave the house dressed like that?" I hit him on the shoulder and he laughed.

Growing up, me and Harry were extremely close. He live in Holmes Chapel so it was difficult because he was never around. We were the same age, so whenever we did visit each other we always had fun.

"It's nice to see you too, hot shot." Harry chuckled and pushed his curls out of his eyes.

"So Haz, do any of your band mates know you're in Bradford?" My mum piped out quietly.

"Actually, Louis knows. I didn't tell Zayn because I didn't want to take this away from him. He's been looking forward to coming home for a while." I sighed in relief.

Zayn still didn't know that Harry was my cousin.

"Hey Pay, I saw those pictures of you and Zayn. I thought you two weren't really close?" Harry eyed me curiously.

Shit. Harry didn't know everything about my past with his bandmate. He knew we grew up going to the same school but I never actually told him what happened. Apparently, Zayn didn't either.

"We're not, anymore." I looked down cautiously and stared at him.

"You two were close before? Why didn't I know this?" Harry looked at me and I saw hurt flash through his green eyes.

"No, Haz, stop. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But some things happened between me and Zayn and we're not exactly friendly with each other anymore." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

"What happened Payton?" Harry asked me seriously.

"Nothing you need to worry about. It's old news." Harry stared at me and I knew he was figuring me out. He always did. I should have learned by now that I couldn't keep a secret from him to save my life.

"Fine. Me and Zayn were best friends growing up. We did everything together. In grade 7 we stopped talking. The reason isn't important anymore, but we stopped talking. When he applied for X-Factor he didn't tell me - or say any type of goodbye. I found out by watching the episode with my mom. I voted for you guys every week. I told myself it was for you and Zayn. It was. But apart of me wanted him to know I was voting. Of course he didn't, though. I don't know, things are just a mess with us."

I didn't notice that Harry was hugging me. I hugged him back.

"Pay, I'm sorry. I could talk to Zayn if you want? I don't know what I would say. I mean he's my bandmate and one of my best mates, but you're family." I sighed.

"Harry, there's nothing you can do. Just let me and Zayn figure out our problems on our own, okay?"

Harry nodded. For some reason, however, I didn't believe he was just going to let it go.

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