Chapter 11

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{Zayn's POV}

I woke up the next morning with Payton wrapped up in my arms with her head resting on my chest. I looked at her and was greeted with innocence plastered all over her face. I had a sudden pang of guilt in my chest and a sighed.

What had I done? How could this have happened? I didn't have much time to think any further about it because Payton woke up. 

"Zayn.." She mumbled into my gray t-shirt. Payton tightened her grip around me and I repositioned her so she was facing the opposite direction. My arms were still wrapped around her waist.

"Hmm?" I whispsered into her ear. She turned her head and pecked  me softly on the lips.

"I love you." She whispered into my neck. I smiled against her lips and kissed her again.

"I love you, too." 


{Payton's POV}

After Zayn left I decided to call Tessa. I hadn't really seen her much since I got together with Zayn. I know that it's bad because she's my best friend. The phone rang three times before her chirpy voice floated through the phone.

"Hello?" She said sweetly.

"Hey, Tess," I started, "What are you doing today?" 

I heard some rustling in the background.

"Nothing! Wanna go see a movie or something?" I got lost in thought. I didn't know what movies were out at the cinema at the moment with all of the commotion going on.

"Yeah, what movie?" I asked. I would let Tessa pick.

"The Possession just came out!" Tessa always got excited over new horror movies.

"Sounds good to me." I replied back.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at seven, see you." 

With that I hung up the phone. It was only 11:30 so I had some time to sleep. 


{Harry's POV}

I was sitting on Niall's leather couch eating some popcorn when he came walking through the doorway.

"Ya know you can't hide here forever." The blonde Irish boy took an empty seat on the couch beside me. He shoved his hand into the bowl in my lap and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I know. I don't know how long I'm staying." I rested my head on the back of the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. 

How had things changed so fast?

"Well we have another week until we have to be back in America. If you want I could go back to Bradford with you. I don't mind." I looked at my best friend in shock. 

Niall was always away from Ireland, so whenever he had time off he always preffered to spend it at home. I didn't expect him to want to leave before he had too.

"You don't have to do that, mate. I know how much you love being here." I sighed. 

"Yeah, but the well being of my best mate is pretty important. And I'd like to see Zayn anyways." Niall shoved a mouthful of buttery popcorn into his mouth.

"Well you can come, then. But only if you're sure." I shoved the curls off to the side of my face and smiled. 

"I'm sure. We should call Liam and Louis and have them meet us there too. Has your cousin met them yet?" 

"No. She hasn't met any of you. Just me and Zayn." I suddenly got a nervous feeling in my stomach. I don't know why, but I've always been protective over Payton. 

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