Chapter 17

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{Niall's POV}

I sat in the gray leather of the black Range Rover I had borrowed from Paul in order to get to the hospital quickly. I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen once I arrived, but I did know that Payton asked me to come. That's all that mattered, because right now she was all I could think about.

As the vibrant red of the stop light flashed before me I came to a quick stop and the water began to fall down once again against the windows. I watched two drops stream down the glass window like you would when you were a young child. The impatient beeping of the car behind me snapped me out of my daze and I continued off to the hospital.

Every turn felt like a thousand wasted seconds passing by that I would never be able to get back. All I could think about was her. Her chocolate brown eyes flushed with the fresh tears caused by the senseless and idiotic testosterone-filled human being I call my best friend. She didn't want him around, and she asked me to help.

I turned left into the crowded parking lot and drove circles before I found a good enough parking spot. Before locking the doors I checked the time, aware of the lack of time left until our interview explaining our absence. Ever since the band came to Bradford, we hadn't really done any work. I guess people started to notice.

The walls remained unchanged since the last time I had been there, just a few hours ago. Strolling through the waiting room, I spotted the familiar brunette nurse that helped me find Payton's room the first time I came to visit.

"Niall." She nodded sweetly.

"Bekka." I returned the gesture before she led me back into the right wing of the surgical ward.

I immediately spotted the way-to-familiar figure hunched over in his chair. The freshly died blonde streak on the middle of his quiff was the only thing setting him apart from the Zayn I saw 24 hours ago. I paced over slowly yet urgently and slipped past him without a glance.

"Niall?" I heard the soft and velvet voice coming from beside me and I glanced in her direction.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked nervously. I began fidgeting with the sleeves of my jacket as a cool draft came over me. I noticed Payton shiver. She wrapped the leather jacket that was around her shoulders tighter around her body. On instinct, I took off my fleece hoodie and set it on top of her like a blanket.

Her sweet smile greeted me and I could feel my cheeks suddenly get hot. I turned to look at whatever was playing on the television above my head.

"I'm doing alright. It's all a little weird, ya know?" Payton's eyes filled with hatred and despair and I couldn't help but hope the emotion was directed towards the guy in the hallway.

"I can tell him to leave. If you want." Payton cracked a smile and looked me in the eyes.

"I already told him. I assumed he would just leave, but I guess I assumed wrong, huh?" I couldn't help but burst into laughter with her.

"I guess so."

"You know, I was serious. You are a good kisser." Payton stated bluntly. My cheeks flashed a bright shade of crimson and I couldn't help but move next to her.

Payton reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. I glanced at our hands and I couldn't help but smile. I felt her breath as her face got closer to mine. We were centimeters apart and before I knew it, she crashed her lips against mine. The kiss somehow tasted sweet, and extremely addictive. I wanted to kiss her more and more the longer it lasted. I smiled and I knew she felt it because she squeezed my hand tighter. I broke away for breath when I heard her speak.

"I don't know if this is right." She whispered on my collar bone. Her breath felt so perfect.

"Me neither, but I like this." She didn't have time to answer, because we were interrupted by the noise of the door slamming open.

{Payton's POV}

The feel of Niall's lips lingered on my mouth even after Zayn walked into the room. His hand was still tangled with mine, and I squeezed it harder at the sight of Zayn.

As the tan boy walked into the room, his face went from apologetic to despair to hatred to rage in about three seconds. Before I knew it, my hand was left lingering by itself next to my body, and both Niall and Zayn had left the room.

I glanced around, confused. The room suddenly felt empty and the only thing that stood out was a bright pink piece of sticky paper with blue scribbles on it. I reached out for the note on my side table and I noticed the scribbles were words. The first word on the top of the page was my name.


My dearest Payton. I love you so much, and I wish nothing but the best for you and your friends. I do hope everything you ever dreamed of comes to you. I'm writing you this because I can't bring myself to say these words aloud to you, in fear of shattering you. This is goodbye, my beautiful daughter. I asked the doctors and nurses not to tell you or Harry, or any of your friends. I wanted you to go through recovery without the despair of losing your mother. I did not just abandon you, and I did not go away to visit Anne like Harry believes. By the time you have read this, I will have probably been gone a week. I love you so much, do not let this break you. You are a strong and beautiful young woman and I want nothing but the best for you, my daughter. Take care, I will always be there to protect you and guide you. If you ever need a mother talk, I'll be listening to you. I'll always be there. PS, don't be too hard on Zaynie. Duck and Goose forever, right?

Much love always,

Mummy xx


My world felt like it had stopped. The only thing stopping me from breaking at that very moment was Zayn's arms that were wrapped tightly around my body. I felt Niall's hands clutching onto mine and I couldn't breathe. Suddenly, my vision blurred and it was filled with blackness. The only sound I could here were the faint words, "I love you."

I knew they came from Zayn. I'm not sure if I was just delusional or what, but the word vomit spit out of my mouth.

"I love you, too. Duck and Goose forever, right?" I sobbed into the boys chest and I felt his grip tighten around me.

"Duck and Goose forever."


Omg! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in so long!!! Don't hate me. Please please comment and vote on this chapter even those it's terribly sad. I love you all for reading, and please check out the introduction to my new story, Begin Again. :) I love you all! Leave your comments please I love reading them!

Team Zayton or Team Nayton?

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