Chapter 18

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{Payton's POV}

Hurt. An emotion that enters someone's veins like venom. It doesn't care who it takes over, or who it destroys on its way. I never knew exactly how distraught and numb a person could actually feel.

It's been three weeks, and I still haven't left my bed except to shower, eat, and use the restroom. Neya and Navid went away to Holmes Chapel to stay with Auntie Anne. I didn't want either of them to witness this. I was alone. At least I felt alone. My veins felt like ice and my bones ached every time I moved. The unwelcome invasion of tears stopped coming and I was pretty sure I didn't have any left. The pain in my chest faded away after a while, only to be replaced with a numbness that somehow felt comforting. I sat on my bed, the same place I sat since I was discharged from the hospital, the emotional hurricane shook my body until I heard screaming. I assumed it was my own, because two seconds after it started I heard someone bolt through the door, only to see it was Harry. A look of horror flashed through his eyes and in a matter of seconds, the orange plastic pill bottle rolled out of my fingers and onto the floor, the contents spilling everywhere.


{Harry's POV}

I watched her sleep. For hours, days, weeks. She slept all the time. I assumed she was sleeping, that's why I hadn't checked on her immediately. I should have. The smooth plastic of the pill bottle sat cold like stone in my fingers. The bottle was full, which I was grateful for. It meant she hadn't taken any. The bottle rolled out of my fingers as I dropped it in the garbage outside the house.

A black Range Rover was parked down the road. I didn't quite know if it was Zayn or Niall, but frankly I didn't care. Payton told them both to leave shortly after arriving home, because all they did was argue over every little thing. It wasn't healthy for her to be around, so she told them to leave. I squinted - trying to get a better glance at who might be in the car. I thought I noticed a small amount of blonde hair, but that didn't mean anything considering Zayn had just decided to get a blonde streak in his hair. I gave up and walked back into the stone house.

Payton was showering, so I decided to take a seat on the sofa and check Twitter. I noticed tweets from the four boys on my timeline.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @PaytonGrimmy Don't know you that well, but I hope you get well soon... Praying for your loss as well as @Harry_Styles Xxx

@Louis_Tomlinson: @PaytonGrimmy @Harry_Styles Sending all my love and prayers to you two for your loss. Xxx

@NiallOfficial: @PaytonGrimmy Wish I could be with you right now , your pain hurts me. Feel better love... Miss you xx !

@zaynmalik: @PaytonGrimmy My heart aches for you .. Wish I could hold u and make u feel better my love.. Xxx

I decided to join my band mates and send a caring tweet as well.

@Harry_Styles: Losing a loved one should never be a pain anyone should ever have to endure. I love you @PaytonGrimmy... We'll be okay. xx

With that, I heard my phone chirp and on instinct I looked down. Payton must be out of the shower, since she tweeted all of us back.

@PaytonGrimmy: @Real_Liam_Payne Thank you, Liam. Means a lot. Xxx

@PaytonGrimmy: @Louis_Tomlinson Thanks Lou... Movie night soon? Xx

@PaytonGrimmy: @NiallOfficial Thank you blondie. Come by the house so we can chat. Xx

@PaytonGrimmy: @zaynmalik Thank you, I miss you. Xxxx

@PaytonGrimmy @Harry_Styles thank you. We will get through this. Come upstairs and hug me.

I blinked twice to double check what I was reading. Just ten minutes ago Payton was a vegetable. I slipped my phone back into the pocket of my brown Columbia Louis had boughten me while we stayed in New York City for holiday.

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