Chapter 10

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{Zayn's POV}

"Hi Zayn." The words echoed through my head as I stared at the blonde Little Mix singer in my doorway. I realized I was blocking the doorway so I moved to the side to let her in.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered. It came out harsher than I had intended. 

Perrie looked at me with her paralyzing eyes. Blonde curls framed her face and she had a black hat on. She sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"I miss you, Zayn." She whispered into my shoulder. I hugged her back, unsure what was going on.

"Perrie, you broke up with me.." I trailed off. She let go of my neck and took a few steps back.

"I know and I'm sorry." Perrie had tears pooling in her eyes.

I moved my eyes to the ground and I let thoughts run wild in my brain. I looked up and saw Perrie leaning against my mum's wall. Above her blonde head was a picture of me and Payton when we were little kids. I had to have been nine. That means Payton was only eight.

Payton. Payton was my girlfriend. I loved her. So why was I letting Perrie lean in for a kiss?


{Harry's POV}

When I walked off to baggage claim at the Dulbin Airport I saw the blonde scruffy hair of my best mate, Niall. I grabbe my bags and walked over to him. 

"Hey Haz." Niall pulled me in for a side hug as I walked up to him.

"Hey." I was still shaky and nervous about the whole situation with my Aunt Grimmy.

"So you never did tell me why you were coming to Ireland.." Niall trailed off, looking at me. I didn't return the look because I didn't really know what to say.

"Harry, you know you can tell me whatever it is." 

Niall was right. I don't know why I was so nervous to tell him. I started playing with the sleeve of my blazer. Niall stopped walking and stood in front of me.

"You're not taking one more step until you tell me what's wrong."

"I found out my Aunt Grimmy has Cancer." Niall furrowed his eyebrows before hugging me tight. We were in an airport, in front of hundreds of people, and Niall hugged me. No doubt this picture would be online tomorrow.

"I'm sorry mate. How is she?" Niall seemed genuinely concerned.

"I don't know. I just kind of left Payton there alone. Well, she's not really alone.." 

Niall looked at me confused. None of the boys knew where exactly my cousin Payton lived. I never really told any of them. 

"Payton lives in Bradford.." Niall still looked confused but I saw it slowly start to click in his head. 

"Zayn. Does she know Zayn?" Obviously I wasn't the only one that didn't know all of the details of Zayn's past. 

"Apparently Zayn has kept a few secrets from us. One of them including his past with my cousin."

"Did they used to date?" Niall seemed interested now. He always was interested in gossip.

"No, not exactly. But I guess they grew up together. And a while before Zayn left for X-Factor they had a falling out and never really seemed to patch it up. It really beat Payton up, though. I think she has strong feelings for him. Zayn being Zayn didn't seem to think much of it."

"Are they together now? After he got back into town?" 

Niall and I had gotten into the black range rover management had given to him. We were now driving down some dirt roads on the way to Niall's vacation house in Dublin. It's where the band always stayed when they were in Ireland. We would spend some time in Mullingar with his family as well, but most of our time was spent here.

"I don't know. I left before I could really figure out what was going on there. I shouldn't have left though. Payton was real beat up about it."

Niall rested a free hand on my shoulder.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, mate. You were overwhelmed. Anyone in their right mind would be."

"I guess you're right." 

"Of course I'm right, I'm Niall." The blonde boy winked and I chuckled. We pulled into the long winding driveway and Niall parked the car.

"Let's go make some pizza." Niall had a look of anxiousness in his eyes. It was cooking, of course Niall was anxious.

"Okay, let's go." I laughed. Niall helped me grab my suitcases and we went inside.


{Payton's POV}

When I got home later that night with Neya I tucked her and my little brother, Navid, into their beds. Once I was sure they were asleep I ventured into my own bedroom. I kept the door open just incase they needed anything.

I slipped on a pair of gray sweats and a black tanktop. I let my hair lay naturally down my shoulders and I turned on the TV.

As I flipped through the channels a familiar face stared at me on the screen. I smiled at the sight of Zayn's tanned face singing. The music video to 'What Makes You Beautiful' was on MTV. 

I sang along to the words as they came out of Zayn's mouth.

So c-come on

You got in wrong

To prove I'm right, I put it in a so-o-ong

I don't know why

You're bein' shy

And turn away when I look into you're eye-eye-eyes. 

Then Harry's face came on the screen. I smiled at the sight of my cousin so happy. I was glad that the two most important guys in my life were so happy. I was glad that I was happy. 

"Fangirling, are we?" I turned to look in my doorway and laughed. I got up off of my bed and hugged Zayn tightly. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheeks.

"Maybe a little.." I blushed. Zayn laughed and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

I took Zayn by the hand and pulled him over to my bed. We layed there, wrapped in each other's arms. He smelled like cinnamon, and it reminded me of my mother.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked concerned. I rolled on top of him and rested my head on his chest, looking into his eyes.

"Everything. I don't know what I would do without you right now." I began to cry as he tried to calm me down. I felt Zayn's hands on my back rubbing circles. He was kissing my forehead and he snuggled me closer to his chest.


{Zayn's POV}

I layed there, holding Payton in my arms. Was she my girlfriend? We hadn't really made it official. I would like to think that she was.  She was so broken right now. I wish I could help her. If anything else went wrong in her life right now I don't know what she would do.

That's why I chose not to tell her that I slept with Perrie earlier that afternoon.


Okay! I'm sorry for the sucky chapter but I've had such bad writer's block lately. And I just started school so I'm going to start getting really busy. Leave your comments please! I'm almost at 3,000 views on this story, which is completely bonkers. Thank you to everyone for reading! I love you all. Please Please Please leave your comments on what you like about the story or don't like! I would love to read them. I enjoy reading the long comments, so don't be afraid to post them. Thank you all so much!!

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