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Seunghoon showed Daewon around to his dismay. Daewon was excited to see everything. He was from a small town, so seeing this huge campus really just surprised him. He had a face of awe, which made Seunghoon smile a bit before quickly looking away. As they were walking around the outskirts of the campus, they came across a milkshake cart. Seunghoon walked past it, but Daewom grabbed this back of his shirt. "C-Can w-we ta-ake a b-bre-eak an-nd g-get a mi-ilks-shake?" he asked, not looking at Seunghoon. Seunghoon sighed.

"Why?" he asked. "We are almost done, and I don't want to be around you anymore," he said. Daewon sighed.

"Ple-ease? I-I'm th-hir-rsty," he begged. Seunghoon groaned and mumbled a fine. Daewon smiled and grabbed Seunghoon's hand before running to the cart. He got the cart with Seunghoon behind him. He hasn't let go
of his hand yet and ordered a oreo milkshake.

While waiting on it, Seunghoon kept pushing Daewon off of him. He tried to hold his hand again, but Seunghoon pushed him away. "Stop being clingy," he growled and walked off. Daewon pouted and became sad. He was always clingy. It was never a problem, until now at least....

"Wow, that was harsh," a handsome man said, walking to stand beside Daewon. "Hi, I'm Yoonsung," he said, holding out his hand. Daewon shook it and replied.

"I-I'm D-Daewon," he said shyly, recieving his milkshake soon after. Yoonsung ordered his and nodded at Daewon.

"I know silly. I'm in your math class," he said and smiled. Daewon nodded.

"Oh," was all he could say. Yoonsung giggled and got his milkshake.

"Here, I'll finish showing you around," he said, and Daewon nodded.

"T-Tha-ank you," he muttered, following after Yoonsung.

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