f o u r t e e n

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It was 2 am, and Seunghoon nor Daewon could sleep. Daewon sighed as he looked up at his ceiling. Should I go over? he thought. He really wanted to see Seunghoon. He didn't know why he wanted to see him so late, but he wanted to be in his arms. He wanted to have the older kiss his forehead and tell him everything is okay.

He sighed and got up and headed to Seunghoon's apartment. His was a couple floors up from his own. He hesitantly knocked on the door. He could hear muffled footsteps before the door opened. Seunghoon stood infront of him, shirtless. This is the third time already! Daewon blushed as Seunghoon let him into the apartment.

They both went to the kitchen. "Why are you here at 2 o'clock in the morning?" Seunghoon asked as he got Daewon a drink.

"W-Well I-I um...I w-want-ted to s-s-see you," he told Seunghoon who sat the drink down and stared at him. Daewon wanted to see him? He was so fucking happy.

"Why?" he teased, slowly closing the distance between them. Daewon blushed and backed up.

"Um...uh-I-I um.." he kept stammering, not knowing what to say. Seunghoon had him pinned against the kitchen counter. Seunghoon cupped his face. He knew what he was doing, but he honestly didn't regret it.

Daewon closed his eyes as he felt Seunghoon's soft lips on his. His hands gripped onto the counter as he felt his legs go to jelly. Seunghoon pulled away for a moment to hike Daewon up onto the counter. They stared at each other for a moment before leaning back into the kiss. Daewon moved his hands from the counter to Seunghoon's neck. Seunghoon held onto Daewon's waist as he deepened the kiss.

Everything felt amazing. Everything felt right. Everything felt perfect.

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