Chapter 9

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"What are u doing here at this hour?",I asked a little too loud.
He rushed towards my side closing my mouth with his large hands.
Pulling me towards a corner.

"There is someone standing there",he pointed towards the exit of the garden.
His breath falling on my neck.

Too close.

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. It just made it worser. He pulled me closer and whispered,"stay still".

I could already feel my cheeks burn. I was sure I looked as if someone had just slapped me across my cheeks.


I turned around so that I was now facing the other way. Away from his front. I couldn't look at him when I looked like this.
What would he think?

After a few minutes he let me free. I had already calmed down by that time. My checks back to their normal pale selves.

"What are you doing here?",he asked stressing on the 'you'.

"Umm I often hangout here",I shrugged.

It was not like I was lying. I often visited the garden when I woke up at the middle of the night. It was soothing to my mind.

"Um,yea?", I gave him a questioning look.

"Did u have a bad dream or something?", he asked.
"Yea,you could say that."

Okay,this is getting weird.

I was lost in my own thoughts when he grabbed me by my waist,pulling me towards a corner.

"Okay,who did u see now?"
"Um,no one"
"Then why did u drag me all the way here."
"Simply", he shrugged.

"Are you serious Jungko"—

"Who is that there?", a voice questioned.

Oh no!

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