✧ What You Seek In A Partner ✧

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Aries: adventure and recklessness. you want someone that knows what they want and someone that will pursue you endlessly. you want a person that is exciting, daring and brave. thus, you may have a tendency to fall for individuals that are good with their words and know how to have a good time

taurus: stability and supportiveness. you fall for individuals that can crawl under your skin in the best ways. someone that knows what to do when you're upset and always answers when you call. you fall for people that know the little things about you and always stand by your side. you're not one to fall for individuals that are fickle and are hard to pin down.

gemini: you fall for people who give you the opportunity to travel and are willing to experience an abundance of fun moments with. you love the ones who can put up with your weird behaviour and can keep you entertained. geminis tend to be flighty individuals and depending on your chart, you may find it difficult to find one person that you want to stick with for the long term, so finding someone that has similar interests, a sense of humour you enjoy, and someone that puts up with your different moods is someone you are likely to fall for.

cancer: comfort is something that is of utmost importance to you, so it's no surprise that you fall for people that take care of you. you're kind of like a baby; you need hugs, constant attention, and someone that will love you unconditionally and always take your feelings into consideration. people who do all of the aforementioned are the types you fall for (or should, at least), but sometimes you have a tendency to fall for the ones who also cause you the most pain. but be careful with your heart, cancer, because you are often too attached to leave people even when they are the ones breaking your heart.

leo: you love being showered with love, as well as showering others with love. for you, love is something that should be grandiose and you love showing off the people you're with, whether it be on social media or just simply talking about them. so because of that, you adore the type of people that allow you to show them off, while also giving you the attention you crave. you want someone you can be proud of, someone pretty, and someone who makes you feel like you're living some sort of fairytale relationship.

virgo: you fall for people who are intelligent and who you can see yourself form a stable relationship with. earth signs tend to prefer stability over reckless behaviour, so you might be prone to falling for individuals who are either really smart in class or ones who have good charisma, goals, and confidence. while you are prone to being headass, you don't like the overly emotional types, so you are probably more likely to fall for people who are more in control of their emotions.

libra: you have a tendency to fall for all sorts of people, as you crave love and intimacy. you generally enjoy people who are flirty, know how to keep you interested, and make you feel safe. however, libras have a tendency to put up with a lot due to their need to keep peace, so sometimes you may find yourself falling for the wrong people but you stick with them anyway.

scorpio: you fall for the passionate and intense types; you like people who commit themselves to you as much as you commit to them. when you are in love, you tend to throw yourself fully into the relationship without considering boundaries or limitations, and to have someone allow you to do all of this makes you feel wanted. scorpios also tend to crave sexual intimacy, so anyone that knows how to please you in that manner will probably win you over.

sagittarius: you fall in love with adventure and creating new memories. you love people who can make you laugh and give you freedom, but someone that is also willing to go along with your crazy plans. you don't like being limited in love because then you tend to get bored and go looking for someone else, so to find someone that allows you to flourish without suffocating you is someone you will consider keeping around.

capricorn: you fall for people with power and status; people who are capable of showing their determination and commitment in anything they throw themselves into. but you also have a soft spot for the goofy types – you enjoy people who make you feel like all the worries on your shoulders slip away like water. you fall for stability, comfort and support.

aquarius: you fall for the people who don't want you, or the ones who don't show you how much they want you. you don't like feeling suffocated by individuals who feel the need to message you all the time or shower you with affection, as you adore your freedom a little too much. so you tend to fall for those who make you chase them rather than them chasing you.

pisces: you tend to fall for the people that are a little dangerous and detrimental to you, as you are obsessed with the idea of saving others or being saved yourself. even though you deny it, you secretly love a little drama and emotional outbursts in your relationship as you need to feel like you're constantly needed in order to be completely happy in a relationship.

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