☾ The Signs as German words ☽

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ARIES — Pioniergeist

literally: pioneer-ghost
translation: pioneer spirit
meaning: the desire to be a pioneer of a new development.

TAURUS — Genussfreude

literally: pleasure-joy
translation: the pleasure of joy
meaning: the ability to be open-minded for any sort of pleasure.

GEMINI — Freisinn

literally: free-sense
translation: free spirit / liberalism
meaning: the noun for a liberal and free thinking mind.

CANCER — Phantasie

literally: fantasy
translation: imagination
meaning: the ability to think creatively and imagine wonderful things.

LEO — Edelmut

literally: noble-courage
translation: gallantry
meaning: the noun for a very generous and noble-minded trait of a person.

VIRGO — Pflichttreue

literally: obligation-loyalty
translation: dutifulness
meaning: a positive word for the trait of being very conscientious and ambitious.

LIBRA — Seelenruhe

literally: soul-silence
translation: tranquility / ataraxia
meaning: a positive term for a deep calmness and peace of mind.

SCORPIO — Leidenschaft

literally: suffer-creation
translation: passion
meaning: fierce word for passion which ironically includes both suffering and the creating aspect.

SAGITTARIUS — Freiheitsliebe

literally: freedom-love
translation: love of liberty
meaning: the strong desire to live a self-determined life.


literally: glory-greed
translation: ambition
meaning: trait which says that someone has a honorable ambition to be operative.

AQUARIUS — Ideenreichtum

literally: idea-wealth
translation: creativeness
meaning: a beautiful word to picture the abundance of imaginativeness and individuality.

PISCES — Sanftmut

literally: soft-courage
translation: gentleness
meaning: the noun for a very mellow and tender trait of a person.

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