✧ How To Know When The Signs Are Jealous (He/S.O.) ✧

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Aries: When Aries gets jealous, he turns into someone that is totally unlike him. Sure, he has big emotions and a not-so-subtle personality, but this is new and scary – for both of you.

Jealousy is not something Aries feels often, but when he does, he has a hard time keeping it under control. He definitely won't come right out and tell you he's feeling jealous, but you can tell by how his attitude changes.

Taurus: When he gets jealous, though, he tries to keep it to himself since that's not the kind of boyfriend he wants to be, but the best way to tell if he's secretly jealous is to take his normal boyfriend traits and kicking them up about 20 notches.

Instead of being the cute clingy you're already accustomed to, Taurus gets overbearing and nosey when he's jealous. Instead of good morning texts, expect him to text you constantly, asking you what you're up to and where you are all hours of the day.

Gemini: A Gemini has absolutely no problem dealing with little arguments and disagreements in his relationship. All he cares about is getting whatever is bothering both of you out in the open so that you can get it over with and go back to being a cute coupe again.

But when he's secretly jealous, it completely throws him off his game and he feels like he can't just put it out there for fear that whatever is making him jealous is true.

Cancer: Cancer tends to have very high emotions on a daily basis, but when he's dealing with some secret jealousy, these emotions can get even crazier and harder to deal with – for both of you.

He's both needy and distant during this time, which can be confusing enough for you, but is an absolute nightmare for him. Expect him to tell you he doesn't care if you don't want to hang out Friday night, then immediately change his mind and make plans together.

Leo: When Leo gets jealous, he somehow convinces himself that he's only jealous because there's an actual reason for him to be. He believes that he's so confident in his emotions that there's no way he could be wrong about his feelings... yeah, right.

When your Leo is secretly jealous, you'll notice that his mood will change from optimistic and loving to downright rude. He might deny it, but he won't hold back.

In addition to being crazy rude and snappish, Leo tends to get overly-dramatic when he's jealous. That means scoffing and rolling his eyes whenever the person he's jealous of comes up in a conversation, crying and accusing you of not loving him, and totally freezing you out.

Virgo: For Virgo, jealousy is a confusing and harsh emotion – and one he doesn't want to have to deal with ever in his relationship. He tries to not care, but you know Virgo, he cares about EVERYTHING.

When Virgo is feeling jealous, his immediate reaction is to hide it. So, even if we weren't already talking about being secretly jealous, he would still probably keep it a secret.

Libra: Libra uses jealousy as a ploy to get you closer to him. He thinks that if he shows you just how much better he is than anyone else you could be interested in, you'll stop doing things to make him jealous.

I know, this sounds confusing, but in his mind he thinks that it's your fault that he's feeling jealous. This is a big tell for Libra because he's not usually so childish, but negative emotions like jealousy turn him into a child.

Scorpio: It's no secret that Scorpio has big emotions and when it comes to feeling jealous, he tends to have a pretty big reaction. Even if you tell him there's no need for him to get green with jealousy, he's going to want to figure that out for himself.

At first, he'll get angry — don't expect Scorpio to talk to you about it or get distant while he figures his feelings out; expect him to get mad and fast.

Until he finds out for himself that his feelings of jealousy totally off-base, Scorpio will do what all crazy boyfriends do – he gets paranoid. He might think you're texting other guys when you're not and he'll probably convince himself that he needs to keep better tabs on you.

Sagittarius: One thing Sagittarius hates is feeling jealous. He's the type of person that never wants to be tied down or compromise the person he is, so when he gets jealous he thinks it's because he's getting too caught up in his relationship.

At first, he'll most likely be in denial. He doesn't want anything in life to faze him, so this new emotion is hard for him to accept. Once he does accept that he's jealous, he'll try to be casual about it; that means making jokes, shrugging it off, or pretending like you're crazy when you try to make him admit he's lime green Jell-O.

Capricorn: If you bring up jealousy to Capricorn, chances are pretty high that he would immediately say something along the lines of, "Jealousy is a dumb emotion; I would never get jealous."

But surprise, surprise! Capricorn is human just like the rest of us and can't always help how he feels in the moment. And when he inevitably feels jealous, his impenetrable exterior will start to crumble.

Aquarius: Aquarius doesn't like feeling jealous because he feels like it goes against everything he stands for: free love, happiness, and all that other hippy crap (just kidding).

Jealousy primarily makes Aquarius uncomfortable and chances are he'll pretend not to have any idea what you're talking about if you bring up his jealousy. In fact, he's so good at pretending that something doesn't bother him that you might actually be convinced that he really isn't that jealous at all (but he is).

Pisces: While it's true that Pisces can be sensitive and insecure at times, when he's feeling jealous, these emotions are amplified. All of a sudden, he feels like he has to compete with someone else for your affection now — even if that couldn't be further from the truth.

But for Pisces, he convinces himself that his jealousy is because he's just not that great of a boyfriend.

He also becomes a lot more withdrawn when he's around you. This is his way of letting you know that if you'd rather be with someone else, he won't stop you. Talk about melodramatic, am I right?

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