Night Six (When We Talked A Little)

586 35 0

November 20, 2018
07:02 P.M.

Shawn | Camila

okay i know it's a little bit early for our chit-chat schedule but hey i'm alive

Where are you from, Camila?


that's an out-of-nowhere question

I just thought that we might be living nearer to each other than we might imagine.

i'm from miamo





i knew it

What do you mean?

i don't know i just feel like i've been talking to a canadian the whole time

We're much farther than I thought.

doesn't matter

why? you thought we were like just neighbors?

Jesus, I hate my noisy neighbors so definitely not.

I thought you were like Canadian, too.

awwe sweetie getting in touch now, aren't we?

Walks out.


i actually chatted early 'cause i'm already getting drowsy

Smart decision.

Tough day?

you have no idea

Good night, Camila.

night sweetie

Fall Back Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora