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I'll never forget this moment.

It was as if I was on a final show and the highlight persona was about to come out the stage. The anticipation was putting my feet on fire and I didn't know how I still manage to stay here in place and stop myself from rushing into her. The coldness was bearable and how the crowd was crumpled up must've helped somehow. I didn't mind. All I wanted to do was see her and actually watch her perform with my own eyes. 

I stood at almost seven meters away from the stage, breathing and trying to heave my sanity as the lights became darker until a spotlight was left shining in the center. My heart was racing with me and it seemed to ascend even more when my eyes spotted her small figure slowly appearing on my sight. I paused, literally. Her bright smile complemented the small sequins on her clothes. And the way she carried herself confidently like she was born to own that stage made my smile go wider. What I was seeing in this moment justified all of my imaginations of her—or even surpassed it. God, she's so beautiful.

The crowd was full of glee and excitement but it couldn't compete on the level of mine.

As she adjusted the strap of her guitar around her shoulder, her eyes skimmed through the whole crowd and tried searching mine. I was standing a few meters away from the stage but I know that feeling when you're onstage and almost all of the people were looking the same. She bit her lip, almost looking worried.

"Uhm, hi." She greeted, not failing to sound lively. "I'm Camila Cabello and someone from this crowd had just flown all the way from Canada to witness my performance. So, I hope I'm not gonna blow things up. This is all for you."

Then, the music started playing and I saw her taking a deep breath. Then, she smiled. Not to me, but I feel like I owned it.

The minute she opened her mouth and sang, my heartbeat rose like crazy. She was singing something I had never heard before—one of her compositions I guess. I smiled as she delivered her interesting lyrics and beautiful notes. This was talent, a pure one. And it would be a waste if she wouldn't be sharing such thing as this to people.

I looked back to that night when I sent her the wrong message. November 15. Nine seventeen in the evening. That was my best mistake ever. Talking to her was something so addicting, that each night always made me look forward to another conversation us already. She made me happy. If that's not the most important thing in this world of mine, then I don't know what is. Camila, she is that kind of girl you wouldn't want to let go once she came into your life. So, I didn't think twice coming here to fix our relationship and most probably, start a real one.

Before chorus, her eyes fell on mine. Both of us was caught in the moment. My heart caved in with the huge intensity it was experiencing as our world finally got closer than we had ever been.

She smiled and I almost lost it.


"It's you babe. And, I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe."

I sang the chorus while looking at no one but him. God knows how I was trying so hard to stop myself from removing this guitar strap across my shoulder and rushing to him no matter how intact the crowd was. Seeing him here, all the way from Canada, made me feel so special and worthy. And appreciated. That urged me to give my best on this performance as a gratitude for him.

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