Night Twenty (When Canada Acts Like Canada)

434 31 0

December 4, 2018
09:56 P.M.

Shawn | Camila



Did we just message each other at the same time?

what the?

did we?

but heeeey we finally intersected

like f i n a l l y

Yeah, it's been three dreadful nights.

i feel like we were so busy on our own lives on that specific days

Not really. My life's so boring.

until i came!

kidding sweetie


Until you came.

shawn you're a smooth playboy, you know that?


What does smooth playboy even mean?

look in the mirror and you'll definitely gonna find the answer

You hurt me way too much.

you praise me WAY to much

but hey i was only teasing you

Shakes head.

grins wider

Do you go to a University?

grins even wider

why'd you ask?

huh shawn?

I'm trying to reach you.


I mean, I'm trying to find a way to get to know you more.


is so sweet shawn i can't even

I'm really sweet by default, Camila. You should know that by now.

yeah i know i'm sorry

I go to Ellington University

Your friends go there, too?


Now that I think of it, you can just delete my requests.


On your social media accounts.

why? i though you're my curious stalker

I just like the feeling of getting to know you more as I talk to you every night, rather than scrolling down your accounts and reading your bio.

. . .


you're making me blush

Shakes head.

You're so peculiar sometimes.

i know

. . .

night canada

You're going to sleep already?


i'm now trying to be more human on my sleeping schedule

as you should too!

Okay, mum.

night shawn

December 4, 2018
10:10 P.M.


I just forgot to ask you something.

. . .

You still there?

go on

. . .

Do you feel like I'm playing with you?


n o

why do you ask?

No, I was just thinking.


I guess.

talk to you later, canada

See you soon, Camila.

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