Night Forty (When We're So Connected)

391 28 3

December 21, 2018
03:25 A.M.

Shawn | Camila


i can't sleep

. . .

Try composing a song.

you're awake?

I woke up hours ago and now I'm wide awake.

Plus, I've been writing.

me too

i mean i slept way too early and now that i woke up my mind's already so alive

Are you feeling better?

not really

my sneezes hadn't stopped

Well, is it okay for you if we talk?


i'm so bored

. . .

Let's do Q and A.

okay you go first

Why haven't you accepted my requests?

. . .

i dunno

No, I won't accept that answer, Camila.

i mean you said it's fine if i don't, right?

And, you believed in me?

of course

That's sweet. But, please still consider accepting me.

do you want me to?


You know, you really are sick.

Your messages reflect how unwell you are.


You're so cute.


i feel ugly with my red nose

I'd love to see that.


my turn shawn

Okay, go ahead.

what do you want for Christmas?


I want to see you.

oh shush


I don't want you blushing even more.

who says i'm blushing?

The white lady behind you.

not funny shawn

Did you see her?


stop it


But, about the gift.

You don't have to buy one.


Yes, Camila, I'm sure.


. . .

When did you and Austin broke up?

almost a year now

i think


yeah i didn't realize it until now

. . .

do you like hailey?

Of course.

She's a very precious friend, Camila.

But, romantically, no.

It's funny for you to ask about her.



I don't know.

You're a very hard person to figure out, Camila.

so are you

That's a total lie.

I mean, I know you've figured me out the minute I sent you that wrong message.

haha no canada

you really are a difficult quiz sometimes

Your definition makes me feel so special.

rolls eyes

You know.

You should go back to sleep, Camila.

i still want to talk to you

I know. Me too.

But, it's better for you if you just rest.

i can't sleep

You will, eventually.

Drink water first, though. It helps.

fine tsk

honestly, are you majoring in medicine?

you sound just like my doctor

I just know how to take care of people, Camila.

Rest up.

okay okay

talk to you later?

Of course.

Sleep well, Camila.

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