Night Fifty-Three (When The Rope Just Snapped)

395 31 5

December 29, 2018
11:22 P.M.

Shawn: Camila.

No response.

Shawn: What's wrong?

No response.

Shawn: Taylor texted me.

Shawn: You're crying?

Shawn: Baby, please, talk to me.

Shawn: Is this about last night?

Shawn: Camila.

Shawn Mendes is calling you.

Camila: no shawn stop

Shawn: Okay, I'm sorry.

Shawn: Just, please, talk to me.

Shawn: How can I help?

Camila: it's nothing

Shawn: It's not nothing if you're crying.

Shawn: What's happening?

Camila: it's just me

Camila: it's nothing

Shawn: You're worrying me.

Shawn: I'm here, okay?

Shawn: I'm listening

No response.

Shawn: Baby, please.

Shawn: This is hard for me, too.

Camila: i know i'm sorry

Shawn: I just want you to open up to me.

Shawn: Please.

Shawn: Baby.

No response.

Camila: i don't know what to feel anymore

Shawn: About what?

No response.

Shawn: Camila.

Camila: about this

Camila: about us

Shawn: Why?

No response.

Shawn: Tell me, why?

No response.

Camila: you make me feel a lot of things and everything just confuses me you're the best part of my day and the worst i hate you i hate that i let myself be attach to someone like you

Camila: i don't know what to feel anymore because who am i to feel something i'm that girl from miles and miles from you and i just hate myself for feeling this way

No response.

Shawn: So that's how you feel?

Shawn: Have I failed on showing my feelings to you?

No response.

Shawn: Camila.

Shawn: Have I?

Camila: i don't know shawn

Shawn: That's it.

Shawn: That's because you just tend to brush me off every damn time.

Camila: i don't want to assume

Shawn: Who says you're assuming?

No reponse.

Shawn: I like you, Camila.

Shawn: Maybe, it's even more than that. And, I thought you know.

Shawn: I thought you can feel it too.

No response.

Shawn: Like I do.

Shawn: Or, am I just imagining those feelings?

Camila: no

Shawn: Then, why are you so afraid?

Shawn: I can feel it. You're afraid to open yourself to me. And, honestly, Camila, I'm wounded. I'm not like him. Or the other boys who've hurted you before. I'm sorry if I'm getting mad now but I don't want to lie to you. I just feel like you think so low of me. I won't wait for your texts every fucking day if I'm not into you. I won't call you my baby if I don't want you to be. I won't lead you on if I don't want you because I perfectly know how that feels. You think Hailey and I deserve each other? Why? How can you easily drop me to another woman? Because, I cannot do that to you, Camila. I'm sorry if I hurt you or if I'm hurting you. I just want to tell you these because you are one of those people who deserve my honesty.

No response.

Camila: i'm sorry

Shawn: I'm not blaming you.

Camila: hailey talked to me that night

Camila: and i feel like i'm ruining your relationship with her

Shawn: You're not.

Camila: she likes you

Shawn: And, I don't. Camila, don't you want me, too?

Camila: will it matter? what if i do?

Camila: you have your life in canada and i have mine here

Camila: it won't last

Shawn: It really won't if you'll keep on acting like that.

Shawn: Camila, Austin broke your heart but I'm not him. Taylor told me you have trust issues and that's the reason why I've chosen to be honest to you all this time.

Shawn: I thought we were okay.

Camila: i'm sorry for disappointing you

No response.

Camila: shawn

No response.

Camila: i'm really sorry

Shawn: Please stop saying sorry.

Shawn: Because, that's the last thing I want to hear from you tonight.

No response.
11:39 P.M.

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