Thank You

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Before anything else, I want to first thank these amazing people @muskanSM2 @shamilaiseverything @alabama-shipper @MoonlightLoversX @mendesccroses and @mendussyy . You guys are the first readers that scrolled and voted through my story. Thank you. You don't know how much you've helped me in continuing this story until this last point.

Secondly, I want to extend my gratitude to all of you who are reading this. I know that we are all here for one reason and that is for Camila and Shawn to have a happy ending (like yo i'm crying and dying for them to be together). I hope Fall Back gave your Shamila heart a gentle squeeze and a passionate kiss. Let's all hope and pray for these two sweet creatures. That's all.

Also, y'all know the playlist of this story. But, Why and All These Years always hit me so damn hard. Comment down your favorite Shamila song, okay? ^_^

Kaye (@missfabgurl)

Treat people with kindness.

This isn't goodbye yet. I'll be uploading some bonus chapters very very soon ('cause i cant wait to share them to all of u). Sending hugs and kisses.

Fall Back Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang