Night Forty-Nine (When Something Hops In)

360 29 3

December 27, 2018
10:03 P.M.

Shawn: Hey.

No response.

Camila: shawwwn

Camila: what is up?

Shawn: Nothing. I just want to talk to you.

Camila: aweee

Camila: such a baby shawny boy

Shawn: Shut it, Camila.

Shawn: I know you feel the same.

Camila: exactly

Camila: i won't argue with you on that

Shawn: See?

Shawn: So, let's talk.

Camila: we're talking shawn

Shawn: Eye roll.

Shawn: What are you doing?

Camila: what yah doin?

Shawn: I asked first.

Camila: i did!

Shawn: I did, Camila.

Shawn: But, since I know you're not gonna back down on that I'll go answer.

Camila: ^ ^

No response.

Shawn: I missed that.

Camila: she missed you too

Shawn: She?

Camila: that's mine so it's practically a girl canada

Shawn: Okay, okay.

Camila: what were you doing?

Shawn: I almost forgot.

Shawn: I was just scrolling down on my feed.

No response.

Camila: facebook?

Shawn: Facebook.

No response.

Camila: did you see it?

Shawn: See what?

Camila: shawn

No response.

Camila: i think you know what i'm talking about

Shawn: It's lovely.

Shawn: Who uploaded it again?

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