Night Fifty (When We Had Our First Virtual Date)

435 31 4

December 28, 2018
07:26 A.M.

Camila: morning canada

Shawn: Good morning.

Shawn: Had a good sleep?

Camila: not really

Shawn: I'll guess.

Shawn: Bad dream?

Camila: nooo

Camila: it's because you're not here with me

Camila: :3

Shawn: Baby.

Shawn: Is that you, really?

Camila: whyyyy

Shawn: You're flirting with me.

Shawn: In the very early morning of December.

Camila: i'm noooot

Camila: it's true

Shawn: It's true that you want to cuddle with me?

Shawn: Camila, I'm flattered.

Camila: psh always so cocky

Shawn: You know, I'd love to do that too.

Shawn: With you.

Camila: now you're the one who's flirting

Shawn: Back.

Shawn: You started it.

Shawn: And, the fact that you haven't told me your infamous line makes this morning even better and better.

Camila: what line?

Shawn: You know, the line that you always tell me to bruise my ego.

Camila: oh

Camila: that line

Camila: not today ^_^

Shawn: Good.

Shawn: I like that.

Camila: just today shawn

Shawn: Don't worry.

Shawn: I'll make you like that everyday.

Camila: oh shush

Shawn: What's up with your day today?

Shawn: Aside from flirting with me.

Shawn: And, eating bananas.

Camila: heyyyy

Camila: you cruel potato

Camila: i'm going to practice later

Camila: for the nye

Shawn: Really?

Shawn: That's lovely. You'll kill it, for sure.

Camila: thank youu

Camila: i'm so nervous

Camila: and excited

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