Night Fifty-Eight (When The Cold Ice Melted Into Sweet Jam)

546 39 7

December 31, 2018
11:32 P.M.

Camila: shawn hey

No response.

Camila: are you still there?

No response.

Camila: i know i've probably fucked up big time and you don't know how many times i'd wished for that night to be different

Camila: for us to be on a different situation than this

No response.

Camila: it's my fault i know that's why i want to ask you to give me another chance to make it up to you

Camila: please

No response.

Camila: i don't wanna waste us

Shawn: Baby.

Camila: shawn?

Shawn: Where are you?

Camila: shawn let's talk please

Shawn: No, Camila, where are you?

Camila: i'm about to perform in a few minutes

Camila: but please shawn

Camila: let's talk

Shawn: For the third time, baby, where are you?

Shawn: Exactly.

Camila: why?

Camila: i'm in the backstage

Shawn: Damn it.

Camila: what's happening?

Shawn: You didn't tell me Miami is so over-populated.

No response.

Camila: shawn

Shawn: Wait, where are you again? I need more specifics.

No response.

Camila: that's not a good joke

Camila: i know you're mad but don't play on me like that

Shawn: Let's talk about that later.


Camila: shawwwn

No response.

Camila: damn it

Camila: are you serious?

Shawn: Camila, I wouldn't be on all caps if I wasn't.

No response.

Camila: i'm near the backstage wearing black leather thing

Shawn: That helped.

Camila: dang you really are serious?

Camila: i'll wave my hand

Camila: can you see me?

Shawn: I'm waving my hand, too.

Camila: this isn't a good prank canada i swear!

Shawn: Taylor's performing.

No response.

Camila: oh fuck

Shawn: Baby, we'll get to that.

Camila: shut up how can you joke like that in times like this!

Camila: there's a lot of people i can't see you!

Shawn: I'm wearing a blue jacket. Where are you standing?

Camila: right side of the stage and i'm peaking near the post

Camila: damn i'm next

Shawn: Okay, relax.

Shawn: I feel like I saw you.

Camila: whaat where are youu

Camila: tay's finished holy shit i'm being called to standby

Camila: god i'm a mess i still don't know where you are!

Shawn: Hey, it's okay.

Shawn: It'll be fine.

Camila: shaawnn

Shawn: Believe in yourself. This is our dream, right? To perform in front of many people.

Camila: but i'm nervous

Shawn: I'm here.

Shawn: I'll be watching. Okay?

No response.

Shawn: Camila.

Shawn: Breathe.

No response.

Shawn: I'll be here.

Camila: okay

Shawn: I can hear your name being called.

No response.

Shawn: Good luck, baby.

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