Night Twenty-Three (When We Shared Good Mornings For The First Time)

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December 6, 2018
07:49 A.M.

Shawn | Camila

Hey, Camila.

Good morning.

You still asleep?

. . .


i'm already wide awake

and, yes for the very first time good morning, as well, shawny boy

You seem to be in a good mood.

it's because i'm talking to you in like six in the morning!

I know.

I'm sorry about last last night, though. It was just a thought.

noo it's fine

i've also thought about it but maybe next time?

Sure, Camila.

why were you up so early, by the way?

I always wake up early.

really? i am so not a morning person

Not when you're with me. I'll force you to get up and come jogging with me.

then i'll just remind myself not to sleep with you


You can't resist my charms, Camila.

i know you're smirking shawn stop it

it turned out wrong but i'm never gonna sleep near your vicinity

You'll take that back in an instant when you finally see my manliness.

oh shush

Why are you up so early today, then?

. . .

i was rushed into the hospital


Why? What's wrong?

. . .

Camila, are you okay?


oh my god


Are you in pain or something?

i feel so guilty right now


i was just joking

. . .


That wasn't a good joke.

i know i'm sorry


I literally jerked out of bed.

i really am sorry canada it just came out

Fall Back Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora